

java Programming Glossary: terminology

Get list of processes on Windows in a charset-safe way


what is the character encoding code page in windows terminology of the result windows chcp command with no argument gives the..

What is the difference between a JavaBean and a POJO?


in the Hibernate context but as general concepts. java terminology pojo share improve this question A JavaBean follows certain..

Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans?


in which they are used Or the purpose of them java terminology javabeans dto pojo share improve this question JavaBeans..

Java heap terminology: young, old and permanent generations?


heap terminology young old and permanent generations I'm trying to understand.. of young old and permanent generations in the Java heap terminology and more specifically the interactions between the three generations...

Is this a well known design pattern? What is its name?


a pattern and does it have a name c# java design patterns terminology overloading share improve this question It's actually more..

What is null in Java?


belong to How is it represented in the memory java null terminology share improve this question Is null an instance of anything..

Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API?


deemed legacy and when it is deprecated. java collections terminology share improve this question From the official Sun glossary..

When exactly do you use the volatile keyword in Java?


not need compound atomicity not sure if this is the right terminology . class BadExample private volatile int counter public void..

Java final modifier


array elements immutable aka deeply immutable Yes but your terminology is broken see comment above about shallow mutability . Can't..

Is Java “pass-by-reference”?


Could someone explain it please java parameter passing terminology pass by reference pass by value share improve this question..

Difference between an application server and a servlet container?


do they differ and when to use which Thanks java java ee terminology application server share improve this question A servlet..

Isn't “package private” member access synonymous with the default (no-modifier) access?


and default access both synonymous with protected java terminology protected access modifiers package private share improve this..

Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool


java ssl keytool jce share improve this question The terminology is a bit confusing indeed but both javax.net.ssl.keyStore and..

Definition of a Java Container


definition of an enterprise java container java java ee terminology share improve this question Referring more generally to..

Division of integers in Java


has seemed to address this. I'm sure I just have the wrong terminology. Basically I want to take two quantities completed and total..

What is Boilerplate code , Hot code and Hot spots?


parse google geocode with xstream


tag. Anyway I'm new to Java and XStream so the API terminology is a bit confusing for me. I just need to be able to write some..

Java pass by reference


between these 2 pieces of code tks java parameter passing terminology pass by reference pass by value share improve this question..

Differences between Java interfaces and Objective-C protocols?


reflection . If you adopt a formal protocol Objective C terminology for implement an interface the compiler will emit warnings for..