

java Programming Glossary: transformerfactory.newinstance

How to I output org.w3c.dom.Element to string format in java?


use a transformer instead TransformerFactory transFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transFactory.newTransformer StringWriter..

Pretty-printing output from javax.xml.transform.Transformer with only standard java api (Indentation and Doctype positioning)


StringWriter Configure transformer Transformer transformer TransformerFactory.newInstance .newTransformer An identity transformer transformer.setOutputProperty..

Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer


.newDocumentBuilder .newDocument Transformer t TransformerFactory.newInstance .newTransformer Element a b a d.createElement a b d.createElement..

java: shortest way to pretty print to stdout a org.w3c.dom.Document


IOException TransformerException TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty..

Is there a more elegant way to convert an XML Document to a String in Java than this code?


result new StreamResult writer TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer tf.newTransformer transformer.transform..

Remove XML Node using java parser


.removeChild b13Node TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer t tf.newTransformer t.transform new DOMSource document..

Create XML file using java


into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transformerFactory.newTransformer DOMSource..

Producing valid XML with Java and UTF-8 encoding


domSource new DOMSource doc TransformerFactory tFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance FileWriter out new FileWriter test.xml Transformer transformer..

XSLT processing with Java? [closed]


TransformerException TransformerFactory factory TransformerFactory.newInstance Source xslt new StreamSource new File transform.xslt Transformer..

Split 1GB Xml file using Java


Advance to statements element TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer t tf.newTransformer while xsr.nextTag XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT..

HTML to Markdown with Java


new StreamSource xsltFile TransformerFactory transFact TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer trans transFact.newTransformer xsltSource StringWriter..

How do I extract child element from XML to a string in Java?


to write the output string TransformerFactory tFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer tFactory.newTransformer transformer.setOutputProperty..

Order of XML attributes after DOM processing


StreamResult new File resultFileName TransformerFactory tf TransformerFactory.newInstance Source xsltSource new StreamSource new File COOKER_XSL xsl tf.newTransformer..

Java: How to read and write xml files?


e dom.appendChild rootEle try Transformer tr TransformerFactory.newInstance .newTransformer tr.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.INDENT yes..

Java - Parsing xml using DOM


into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transformerFactory.newTransformer .. into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transformerFactory.newTransformer .. into xml file TransformerFactory transformerFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transformerFactory.newTransformer ..

How to strip whitespace-only text nodes from a DOM before serialization?


into a string Writer out new StringWriter Transformer tf TransformerFactory.newInstance .newTransformer tf.setOutputProperty OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION..

how to update xml file from another xml file dynamically?


rewriting one.xml TransformerFactory transformerFactory TransformerFactory.newInstance Transformer transformer transformerFactory.newTransformer DOMSource..