

java Programming Glossary: www.youtube.com

Java 2d rotation in direction mouse point


an example of what I mean look at this video I found http www.youtube.com watch v 8W7WSkQq5SU See how the player image reacts when he..

Is there a mechanism to distribute an app with its own JRE?


app with its own JRE These fine folks are my users http www.youtube.com watch v o4MwTvtyrUQ If you don't want to enjoy the video here..

What are the best Java social networking frameworks? [closed]


projects shindig.html YouTube Link About Shindig http www.youtube.com watch v ZcWszaReqXI A List of Open Source Social Networking..

How to download videos from youtube on java?


final String scheme http private static final String host www.youtube.com private static final Pattern commaPattern Pattern.compile private.. args.length 0 usage Missing video id. Extract from http www.youtube.com watch v VIDEO_ID try setupLogging log.fine Starting String videoId..

Take the audio from a youtube video


good job and it's hard to beat their simplicity wget http www.youtube.com get_video.php video_id ... ffmpeg i audio.mp3 All done If your..

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android


int begin end String tmpstr null try URL url new URL http www.youtube.com watch v y12 1miZHLs nomobile 1 HttpURLConnection con HttpURLConnection..

Android REST client, Sample?


Google I O 2010 video about REST client applications http www.youtube.com watch v xHXn3Kg2IQE feature player_embedded Since now I've been..

Java BBCode library


width '640' height '380' param name 'movie' value 'http www.youtube.com v 1' param embed src 'http www.youtube.com v 1' type 'application.. value 'http www.youtube.com v 1' param embed src 'http www.youtube.com v 1' type 'application x shockwave flash' width '640' height..