

java Programming Glossary: z0

Verify email in Java


private static final Pattern rfc2822 Pattern.compile ^ a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0.. Pattern rfc2822 Pattern.compile ^ a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 if.. Pattern.compile ^ a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 if rfc2822.matcher email..

Remove all non-“word characters” from a String in Java, leaving accented characters?


do this without having something along the lines of ^A Za z0 9äöü éèá úùóò only to realize I forgot ô java regex string..

JAVA: check a string if there is a special character in it


share improve this question Pattern p Pattern.compile ^a z0 9 Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE Matcher m p.matcher I am a string..

How should I validate an e-mail address on Android?


org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23.. a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ . a z0 9 # ' ^_` ~ x01 x08 x0b x0c x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01.. x0e x1f x21 x23 x5b x5d x7f x01 x09 x0b x0c x0e x7f @ a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 . a z0 9 a z0 9 a z0 9 25 0 5 2 0 4 0 9 01 0..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


. Unfortunately Java doesn't. In Java w is limited to A Za z0 9_ . This makes matching words like those mentioned above difficult..

Regular expresion to match URLs in Java


void main String args String regex b https ftp file A Z0 9 @# ~_ . A Z0 9 @# ~_ String text http google.com System.out.println.. String args String regex b https ftp file A Z0 9 @# ~_ . A Z0 9 @# ~_ String text http google.com System.out.println IsMatch.. beginning placeholder. String regex ^ https ftp file a zA Z0 9 @# ~_ . a zA Z0 9 @# ~_ This works too String regex b https..

What HTML parsing libraries do you recommend in Java [closed]


How to replace special characters in a string?


^a zA Z String alphaAndDigits input.replaceAll ^a zA Z0 9 or the equivalent String alphaOnly input.replaceAll ^ p Alpha..

Java Regexp to Match ASCII Characters


listing all 127 ASCII characters in a format like ^ a zA Z0 9 @# ^ . ~` s java regex share improve this question I..

Java equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent that produces identical output?


literal characters regex representation a zA Z0 9._ ~' Java 1.4.2 documentation on URLEncoder literal characters.. on URLEncoder literal characters regex representation a zA Z0 9._ the space character is converted into a plus sign . So basically..

Regular expression for excluding special characters


question I would just white list the characters. ^ a zA Z0 9äöü Building a black list is equally simple with regex but..