

javascript Programming Glossary: access_token

How to list all comments in my domain


credit to this website https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token type client_cred client_id APP_ID client_secret APP_SECRET And.. once .ajax url 'https graph.facebook.com ' type POST data access_token 'YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN' batch ' method GET relative_url URL1..

Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript


the OAuth 2 access token in a URL param. So just append access_token ... to the downloadUrl and fetch the file using XHR or by forwarding..

Facebook Graph API - upload photo using JavaScript


'message' 'PicRolled' params 'source' '@' path params 'access_token' access_token params 'upload file' true function saveImage FB.api.. 'PicRolled' params 'source' '@' path params 'access_token' access_token params 'upload file' true function saveImage FB.api ' me photos'.. name message value My Message input type hidden name access_token value ... form notice that source references the name given..

How does paging in facebook javascript API works?


my day https graph.facebook.com 677811901 home limit 3 access_token AAACYjXGS5FQBAIR3brc2LibjBcZCi2kRJUybG8VMaaJSZARQ8SzNE7BE4PBrDIFVZB0AaVEa1dZCpX1fhCvoD2rnq8uc8OGaIFhO9uvVXAZDZD.. undefined https graph.facebook.com 677811901 home limit 3 access_token AAACYjXGS5FQBAIR3brc2LibjBcZCi2kRJUybG8VMaaJSZARQ8SzNE7BE4PBrDIFVZB0AaVEa1dZCpX1fhCvoD2rnq8uc8OGaIFhO9uvVXAZDZD.. 367116489976035_417820828298092 undefined limit 3 access_token AAACYjXGS5FQBAIR3brc2LibjBcZCi2kRJUybG8VMaaJSZARQ8SzNE7BE4PBrDIFVZB0AaVEa1dZCpX1fhCvoD2rnq8uc8OGaIFhO9uvVXAZDZD..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


stripslashes _REQUEST 'session' true if isset response 'access_token' this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token'.. response 'access_token' this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token' this api getAccessToken elseif isset.. this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token' this api getAccessToken elseif isset _SESSION 'access_token'..

Can you get a public Facebook page's feed using Graph API without asking a user to allow?


token authToken fetchUrl https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token grant_type client_credentials client_id app_id client_secret..

Posting comment to Facebook from JavaScript


' message ' commentUsername ' said ' commentText ' access_token . fb_page_access_token . ' var xmlHttpReq xmlHttpReq new XMLHttpRequest.. ' said ' commentText ' access_token . fb_page_access_token . ' var xmlHttpReq xmlHttpReq new XMLHttpRequest xmlHttpReq.open.. form urlencoded' xmlHttpReq.send params Create A permanent access_token http www.testically.org 2011 09 27 5 steps to automatically..