

javascript Programming Glossary: android_asset

using javascript in android webview


JSInterface JSInterface wv.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html public class JavaScriptInterface Context mContext..

Unable to get GPS coordinates using Javascript on browser in Android


.setUseWideViewPort true webView.loadUrl file android_asset mymap.html setContentView webView And the HTML file with the..

Display Good-looking Math Formula in Android


script script type 'text javascript' src 'file android_asset MathJax MathJax.js' script span id 'math' span text html utf.. script script type 'text javascript' src 'file android_asset MathJax MathJax.js' script span id 'math' span text html utf..

How to play song in Android - phonegap


for Android lets you store local audio files in two places android_asset file name must start with android_asset sound.mp3 sdcard file.. in two places android_asset file name must start with android_asset sound.mp3 sdcard file name is just sound.mp3 If you place your.. then you can play it using the path mp3file new Media android_asset DANCE.mp3 function alert playAudio Audio Success function..

JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView


.setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.loadUrl file android_asset demo.html In layout xml file I have added WebView android id..

Android webview, loading javascript file in assets folder


'type' 'text javascript' script.setAttribute 'src' 'file android_asset jstest.js' script.onload function test document.getElementsByTagName.. javascript and css files which would not load with a file android_asset URL. That's because the security context of the page is still..

JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html


Error The Connection to the server was unsuccessful file android_asset www index.html in the Android Emulator when I try to run the..

Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient


GmE2vEYx and here is how I call it myWebview.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html myWebview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true.. new WebChromeClient myWebview.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html One thing I've noticed is that if you give it time..

Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript


audio sound.mp3 audio.load audio.play audio new Audio file android_asset www audio sound.mp3 audio.load audio.play audio new Audio audio.src.. fifth case I StagefrightPlayer 33 setDataSource 'file android_asset www audio sound.mp3' Although this question may be considered.. 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PVPlayer 95 setDataSource file android_asset www audio sound.mp3 02 06 17 15 13.839 V PVPlayer 95 prepareAsync..