

javascript Programming Glossary: appid

Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same)


Allow Origin IfModule Code for channels issue FB.init appId '1234567890' status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl '..

facebook javascript sdk fb_xd_fragment?


id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'MY APP ID' status true check login status cookie true enable..

How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete


id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid' ' status true check login status.. inside fbAsyncInit window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid' ' status true check login status.. . Here is what I use window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo conf 'fb' 'appid' ' status true check login status..

How does paging in facebook javascript API works?


window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK FB.init appId 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' FILL YOUR APP ID HERE status true check the login.. window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK FB.init appId 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' FILL YOUR APP ID HERE status true check the login.. window.fbAsyncInit function init the FB JS SDK FB.init appId 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' FILL YOUR APP ID HERE status true check the login..

Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully?


to the page script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login'.. id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'YOUR_APP_ID' App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html'.. var isLoaded false window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'YOUR_APP_ID' App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html'..

Facebook: Get user's Facebook UID with Javascript


First you need to call FB.init and add your app id FB.init appId APP_ID status true check login status cookie true enable cookies..

Retrieve Access Token Using Javascript API


type text javascript document .ready function FB.init appId 'insert your appID value here' cookie true xfbml true status..

Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content?


connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true script div..

Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent


secret cookieSecret app.use auth auth.Facebook appId fbId appSecret fbSecret callback fbCallbackAddress scope 'offline_access..

FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() error in console


right below my and div window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'APPID' App ID status true check login status cookie true enable.. id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'YOUR_APP_ID' App ID channelURL ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html'..

Having issue with Firefox 8 for Mac: window.name is undefined


id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'my_app_id' App ID channelURL 'my_channel_file' Channel File..

XD_Proxy popup won't close [closed]


line to make it work. window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo this config item facebook_app_id ' status true cookie..

Posting comment to Facebook from JavaScript


so far on my website window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId . drupal_to_js appid . status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl.. you more information. window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId . drupal_to_js appid . status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl..