

javascript Programming Glossary: btnclick

How to make method private and inherit it in Coffeescript?


private and inherit it in Coffeescript How to make method btnClick private class FirstClass constructor '.btn' .click @btnClick.. private class FirstClass constructor '.btn' .click @btnClick btnClick alert 'Hi from the first class ' class SecondClass.. class FirstClass constructor '.btn' .click @btnClick btnClick alert 'Hi from the first class ' class SecondClass extends FirstClass..

How do I cancel form submission in submit button onclick event?


like input type 'submit' value 'submit request' onclick 'btnClick ' . I want to write something like the following function btnClick.. ' . I want to write something like the following function btnClick if validData cancelFormSubmission How do I do this javascript..

KeyboardEvent in Chrome, keyCode is 0


document.getElementById 'btn' .addEventListener click btnClick document.getElementById 'txt' .addEventListener keydown txtKeydown.. 'txt' .addEventListener keydown txtKeydown function btnClick e var txt document.getElementById 'txt' var dispatchKeyboardEvent..