

javascript Programming Glossary: chk

How do I grab the value from an html form input box as its being entered?


script function changeField elm after var old to val chk function val elm.value if old val elm.defaultValue old val.. old val else if old val old val after elm chk to setInterval chk 400 elm.onblur function to clearInterval.. else if old val old val after elm chk to setInterval chk 400 elm.onblur function to clearInterval to elm.onblur null..

Why doesn't my form post when I disable the submit button to prevent double clicking?


javascript type text javascript function btn_onClick var chk document.getElementById chk if chk.checked var btn document.getElementById.. function btn_onClick var chk document.getElementById chk if chk.checked var btn document.getElementById btn btn.disabled.. btn_onClick var chk document.getElementById chk if chk.checked var btn document.getElementById btn btn.disabled true..

Checkbox change event not firing


jquery.min.js script script document .ready function '.chk' .live 'change' function alert 'change event fired' 'a' .click.. function alert 'change event fired' 'a' .click function '.chk' .attr 'checked' true script head body div class chkHolder.. '.chk' .attr 'checked' true script head body div class chkHolder input type checkbox class chk name a id a input type checkbox..