

javascript Programming Glossary: customize

Jquery Fancybox draggable issue with Scrollbars


easyDrag handler. Please feel free to analyze the code and customize it to your own needs and don't forget to grant me the bounty..

What is the best way to download file from server


and the client is able to generate a lot of parameters to customize how the data is exported. What is the best way to do download..

is there a simple alternative to TinyMCE?


non techy people while maintaining enough flexibility to customize and extend. Definitely far less hefty and button overload compared..

Is there any good Markdown Javascript library or control? [closed]


show dynamically added navlinks when added in bootstrap navbar


What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection


input type submit div form div body html If you want to customize this code change configuration parameters inside a wurfl_config_standard.php..

django chain select


javascript code that you copied over from widgets.py and customize it with the IDs in the javascript with form.field.html_name.. the javascript with form.field.html_name Write in your own customized urls in the javascript following the pattern in the code. Voila..

jQuery: Sort div's according to content of different sub divs


'#all_elements' this .text Sort Desc How can I customize the function to sort the contents of my h3 or divs javascript..

JavaScript unit test tools for TDD


tests on save Proxies requests cross domain Possible to customize Extend it to wrap other test frameworks JsTestDriver built in.. tests on save Proxies requests cross domain Possible to customize Extend it to wrap other test frameworks Jasmine Mocha QUnit..

jQuery Optimization/Best Practices


bit of script to make some data in a table clickable and customize the link. 'tr td' .each function var colNum this .index var..

Best source code formatter for Javascript? [closed]


Google Maps JS API v3 - Simple Multiple Marker Example with Custom Markers


a custom marker created with the following codes. You can customize the icon of your marker with the icon parameter when creating..

Knockout JS mapping plugin without initial data / empty form


mapping plugin supports a create callback that lets you customize how it gets created. This can be used to add default properties..

jqgrid custom delete dialog message


custom delete dialog message I want to customize the delete dialog message. Based on a selected row I want to..

Google Maps API v3: Custom styles for infowindow


infobox wrapper div id infobox1 Infobox is very easy to customize because well it's your code div div The idea here is the infobox..

AJAX Mailchimp signup form integration


plop the standard mailchimp generated form into your code customize the look as needed and in the forms action attribute change..

Handling dates with Asp.Net MVC and KnockoutJS


simply cannot do it. In addition with JSON.NET you can customize it to actually spit out full Knockout view models so you don't..

Adding code to a javascript function programatically


a javascript function programatically I'm attempting to customize an existing JS library without modifying the original JS code...

Image resize before upload
