

javascript Programming Glossary: da

Is the Gideon Sundback zipper doodle[Google,24th April] completely javascript?


px if l b.height google.style.getPageOffsetTop l a px da U V function a a.addColorStop 0 rgba 255 255 255 0 a.addColorStop.. 0.98 #dedede a.addColorStop 0.99 rgba 255 255 255 0 da function q w C 1 r w C s q 42 u r 42 U function if j .. B B D D D 2 G 0 G 0 w G 0 0.3 if B x C C E E E 5 da U if C w f.A window.setTimeout ca 30 else G 0 w f.p c..

Javascript decoding html entities [duplicate]


size xx small gt ajde lt span gt lt p gt lt p gt lt em gt da lt em gt lt p gt to html with tags and everything in Javascript.. size xx small gt ajde lt span gt lt p gt lt p gt lt em gt da lt em gt lt p gt ' var decoded ' div ' .html text .text alert..

clicking a node in d3 from a button outside the svg


in B using selection.attr . This is easiest if your data has an intrinsic unique identifier such as d.name or d.id.. letter and not a number and can't contain spaces. If your data doesn't already have a unique identifier you could generate.. #b i .style fill red You could also iterate over your data array to generate a unique identifier. Option 2. For one to..

JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate]


false function a if android bb d meego . mobile avantgo bada blackberry blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone.. pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo up . browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda xiino i.test a 1207 6310 6590 3gso.. treo up . browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda xiino i.test a 1207 6310 6590 3gso 4thp 50 1 6 i 770s 802s a..

How to display binary data as image - extjs 4


to display binary data as image extjs 4 Here is the binary for a valid .JPEG image... raw 2314500 I have tried to use Python to save this binary data into an image. How can I convert this data to a viewable .JPEG.. this binary data into an image. How can I convert this data to a viewable .JPEG image with extjs 4 I tried this but it..

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element


html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml xml lang da lang da head title test of click binding title script src http.. html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml xml lang da lang da head title test of click binding title script src http ajax.googleapis.com..

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript


to find out what the user setting is Thanks. javascript datetime share improve this question function getLocaleShortDateString.. dd.M.yyyy ca ES dd MM yyyy zh TW yyyy M d cs CZ d.M.yyyy da DK dd MM yyyy de DE dd.MM.yyyy el GR d M yyyy en US M d yyyy..

SCRIPT70: Permission denied IE9


xa false Q M ca Object.prototype.toString da Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty ea Array.prototype.push R Array.prototype.slice..

nodejs parallel callback design pattern


like this function cb var count 2 _ra _rb function update if count 0 cb null _ra _rb a function er ra _ra ra update.. if count 0 cb null _ra _rb a function er ra _ra ra update b function er ra _rb rb update function er ra rb ab ra rb.. a function er ra _ra ra update b function er ra _rb rb update function er ra rb ab ra rb As you can see a and b execute..

Assign Vb.net loop variable values to javascript Array [duplicate]


from GPS con Dim ds As New DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For.. ds As New DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables.. DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count..

Place Server side Variable in javascript loop


from GPS con Dim ds As New DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For.. ds As New DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables.. DataSet Dim I As Long Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter cmd da.Fill ds GPS mgps.AppendLine For I 0 To ds.Tables GPS .Rows.Count..

JavaScript to make a fast-running image slideshow?


function preloadimages arr the preloadimages function is adapted from http www.javascriptkit.com javatutors preloadimagesplus.shtml.. images load USAGE preloadimages 'ed.jpg' 'fei.jpg' 'budapest.gif' 'duck.jpg' .done function images images.sort function.. you can read here http assets.momo40k.ch common js .js data is an array that should be already defined on the calling..