

javascript Programming Glossary: document.compatmode

Scroll smoothly to specific element on page


return 0 None of the above. viewportHeight function return document.compatMode CSS1Compat document.documentElement.clientHeight document.body.clientHeight..

I'm storing click coordinates in my db and then reloading them later and showing them on the site where the click happened, how do I make sure it loads in the same place?


event.target event.srcElement another IE hack var root document.compatMode 'CSS1Compat' document.documentElement document.body var mxy..

stop function that run with setTimeout


displayduration 0 function truebody return window.opera document.compatMode document.compatMode BackCompat document.documentElement document.body.. function truebody return window.opera document.compatMode document.compatMode BackCompat document.documentElement document.body function hidetrail..

Define global variable in a JavaScript function


' obj_selected 1 function truebody return window.opera document.compatMode document.compatMode BackCompat document.documentElement document.body.. function truebody return window.opera document.compatMode document.compatMode BackCompat document.documentElement document.body function..

How to detect Render Mode of browser for current page?


this question Before IE8 alert 'Page was rendered in ' document.compatMode 'CSS1Compat' 'Standards' 'Quirks' ' Mode.' For IE8 var vMode..