

javascript Programming Glossary: e.clienty

Detecting Click Inside IFrame Using Invisible div


click' function e mx e.clientX this .position .left my e.clientY this .position .top if e.type 'click' alert 'clicked at X '..

How to drag images / objects within Canvas?


var r canvas.getBoundingClientRect x e.clientX r.left y e.clientY r.top i 0 r inTooltip false if typeof startCoords 0 'undefined'.. 20 scaleValue clearTooltip showTooltip e.clientX e.clientY i inTooltip true else console.log 'else' for var i 0 r.. parseInt 20 clearTooltip showTooltip e.clientX e.clientY i inTooltip true for var i 0 r dataJSON2 i i console.log..

onMouseMove get mouse position


var pageCoords e.pageX e.pageY var clientCoords e.clientX e.clientY span first .text e.pageX e.pageY pageCoords span last .text.. .text e.pageX e.pageY pageCoords span last .text e.clientX e.clientY clientCoords script here is pure javascript only example var..

Text selection and bubble overlay as Chrome extension


.toString if selection.length 0 renderBubble e.clientX e.clientY selection false Close the bubble when we click on the screen...

How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay?


outer box.hide el document.elementFromPoint e.clientX e.clientY el el offset el.offset box.css width el.outerWidth 1 height..

Embed Google Maps on page without overriding iPhone scroll behavior


e dragFlag true start events touch e.touches 0 .pageY e.clientY true map.addEventListener touchend function dragFlag false true.. if dragFlag return end events touch e.touches 0 .pageY e.clientY window.scrollBy 0 start end true I have also tried replacing.. above. The key was start events touch e.touches 0 .pageY e.clientY The user must have been setting the events variable somewhere..

Javascript - Track mouse position


var e window.event var posX e.clientX var posY e.clientY document.Form1.posx.value posX document.Form1.posy.value posY..

Moveable/draggable <div> using javascript


window.pageXOffset div.offsetLeft ALAMI.Draggable.innerY e.clientY window.pageYOffset div.offsetTop window.addEventListener 'mousemove'.. ALAMI.Draggable.innerX 'px' div.style.top e.clientY window.pageYOffset ALAMI.Draggable.innerY 'px' javascript.. 'dxy' div.style.position 'absolute' div.style.top e.clientY 'px' div.style.left e.clientX 'px' share improve this answer..