

javascript Programming Glossary: geocoding

Converting latitude and longitude to decimal values


of location. javascript regex geolocation gps geocoding share improve this question To parse your input use the..

How do I Geocode 20 addresses without receiving an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response?


other than storing the coordinates in advance javascript geocoding google maps share improve this question No there is not..

Return value from nested function in Javascript


UPDATE Here's my actual code it's a function for reverse geocoding with the Google API function reverseGeocode latitude longitude..

Fetch Latitude Longitude by passing postcodes to maps.google.com using Javascript


term for the process you describe is called reverse geocoding . Google offers the The Google Geocoding Web Service where you.. The Google Geocoding Web Service where you can do reverse geocoding on the server side instead of in JavaScript on the client side...

How to get visitor's location (i.e. country) using javascript geolocation


JQuery - Best way of wiring GUI objects to events?


Google Maps geocoding and markers in loop


Maps geocoding and markers in loop I'm completely puzzled here. I have a list..

json with google geocoding api


with google geocoding api Here is code which gets latitude and longitute when entered..

How do I return a longitude and latitude from Google Maps JavaScript geocoder?


codeAddress alert long_lat javascript google maps geocoding share improve this question because your function codeAddress.. results in callback handlers. if you want to separate geocoding and 'dispalying' you can execute display function inside handler..

Reverse Geocoding Code


javascript google maps api 3 reverse geocoding share improve this question This is the short version of..

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?


from Google http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #ReverseGeocoding . Sample Call to Google's geocode Web Service..

Which are the best geo Coding APIs available for free?


these sites will be of great help. javascript google maps geocoding share improve this question I have already answered this.. Google API http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding The most popular due to Google ™s name. Extensive support available.. limitations. http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding Their is one clause in œUsage Terms which says the result must..

retrieving lat/long of location using google.maps.geocoder


i can store in my db javascript jquery google maps api 3 geocoding share improve this question The problem you're facing is.. likely not returned your result is empty. Think of the geocoding result as a push not a pull. The storeResult function not shown..

Verify if a point is Land or Water in Google Maps


at this link http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #Types . Also you need to check the names of features if they..

geocoder is returning previously stored value when click on a marker


google maps api 3 share improve this question Geocoding is asynchronous. You have to use the returned value inside the..

Saving geocoder results to an array - Closure Trouble


3 closures share improve this question This is a FAQ. Geocoding is asynchronous. You need to save the results in the callback..

User recognition without cookies or local storage


HTML5 LocalStorage HTML5 Geolocation API and Reverse Geocoding Architecture OS Language System Time Screen Resolution etc...

Fetch Latitude Longitude by passing postcodes to maps.google.com using Javascript


is called reverse geocoding . Google offers the The Google Geocoding Web Service where you can do reverse geocoding on the server..

Google's Geocoder returns wrong country, ignoring the region hint


type content text html charset UTF 8 title Google Maps Geocoding only in UK Demo title script src http maps.google.com maps api.. type content text html charset UTF 8 title Google Maps Geocoding only in UK Demo with Bounds title script src http maps.google.com..

Loading city/state from SQL Server to Google Maps?


type content text html charset UTF 8 title Google Maps API Geocoding Demo title script src http maps.google.com maps file api amp.. type content text html charset UTF 8 title Google Maps API Geocoding Demo title script src http maps.google.com maps api js sensor..

How to make cross-domain AJAX calls to Google Maps API?


trying to make a jQuery .getJSON call to the Google Maps Geocoding webservice but this doesn't work because of cross domain security.. question I can see no advantage in using the Server side Geocoding Web Service when Google Maps provides a full featured Client.. when Google Maps provides a full featured Client side Geocoding API for JavaScript. First of all this automatically solves your..

Google Maps geocoding and markers in loop


status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK console.log Geocoding item.location OK addMarker map item results 0 .geometry.location..

Reverse Geocoding Code


Geocoding Code I've been working on putting together the Javavscript.. on putting together the Javavscript code for Reverse Geocoding in Google maps. I thought I'd solved all the issues I had but.. UTF 8 title Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Example Reverse Geocoding title link href http code.google.com apis maps documentation..

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?


share improve this question This is called Reverse Geocoding Documentation from Google http code.google.com apis maps documentation.. code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #ReverseGeocoding . Sample Call to Google's geocode Web Service http maps.googleapis.com..

Easiest way to get city name using geolocation?


apis maps documentation javascript services.html#GeocodingAddressTypes and here http code.google.com apis maps documentation.. apis maps documentation javascript services.html#ReverseGeocoding Below is the code that should do the trick DOCTYPE html html.. content type content text html charset UTF 8 title Reverse Geocoding title script type text javascript src http maps.googleapis.com..

Verify if a point is Land or Water in Google Maps


different ways you may try You can use Google Maps Reverse Geocoding . In result set you can determine whether it is water by checking..