

javascript Programming Glossary: github.com

JavaScript for detecting browser language preference


plugin on github that wraps this functionality https github.com dansingerman jQuery Browser Language Edit 2 As requested here..

What is the best back button jQuery plugin? [closed]


Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker


of the promises are resolved. Working demo http mhevery.github.com angular phonecat app # phones Source https github.com mhevery.. angular phonecat app # phones Source https github.com mhevery angular phonecat commit ba33d3ec2d01b70eb5d3d531619bf90153496831..

How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys?


jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


page events benchmarking. It can be found here https github.com jquery jquery mobile blob master tools page change time.js ...

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?


2011 12 12 I've added a project that can be cloned https github.com tombigel detect zoom IE8 screen.deviceXDPI screen.logicalXDPI..

Convert array to JSON


share improve this question Take this script https github.com douglascrockford JSON js blob master json2.js And call var myJsonString..

How to randomize (shuffle) a javascript array?


algorithm is the Fisher Yates aka Knuth Shuffle. See https github.com coolaj86 knuth shuffle You can see a great visualization here..

JavaScript unit test tools for TDD


runner please contribute with more info Project home https github.com pivotal jasmine QUnit QUnit focuses on testing JavaScript in..

Is there a good JavaScript minifier? [closed]


minify share improve this question Uglify JS http github.com mishoo UglifyJS It is now being used by the jQuery project...

Good tutorial for using HTML5 History API (Pushstate?)


. You can read more about History.js here https github.com browserstate history.js For an article about Hashbangs VS Hashes.. Hashbangs VS Hashes VS HTML5 History API see here https github.com browserstate history.js wiki Intelligent State Handling share..

CoffeeScript & Global Variables


into the wrapper that wraps the Node.js module See https github.com ry node blob master src node.js#L321 so in Node.js what you..

Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed]


which is what you need the library I recommend is https github.com yeco jquery ui touch punch with this your drag and drop from..

Prevent scrolling of parent element?


and Brandon Aaron for the mousewheel plugin here https github.com brandonaaron jquery mousewheel raw master jquery.mousewheel.js..

Keyboard shortcuts with jQuery


placeholder in ie9


a collaborator on HTML5 Boilerplate and jsPerf https github.com mathiasbynens jquery placeholder Demo Examples http mathiasbynens.be..

JavaScript query string


now. Don't know what happened to the plug in. But https github.com sousk jquery.parsequery#readme is supposed to be a fork of it..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


this question You should check out this plugin https github.com kemayo maphilight and the demo http davidlynch.org js maphilight..

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling


It is important to check the github repo for updates https github.com yckart jquery.unevent.js function var on .fn.on timer .fn.on.. e.type ' event was 250ms not triggered' 250 http yckart.github.com jquery.unevent.js this demo uses resize instead of scroll but..