

javascript Programming Glossary: google.maps.size

Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center


new google.maps.MarkerImage 'images beachflag.png' new google.maps.Size 20 32 new google.maps.Point 0 0 new google.maps.Point 0 32 var.. google.maps.MarkerImage 'images beachflag_shadow.png' new google.maps.Size 37 32 new google.maps.Point 0 0 new google.maps.Point 0 32 var..

Return a value from an ajax call to parent function


tileURL data.image json return tileURL tileSize new google.maps.Size 256 256 opacity 0.55 isPng true Obviously the ajax call is asynchronous..

Google Maps geocoding and markers in loop


new google.maps.InfoWindow content item.body size new google.maps.Size 100 300 function map marker new google.maps.event.addListener.. new google.maps.InfoWindow content item.body size new google.maps.Size 100 300 new google.maps.event.addListener marker click function..

Multiple Google Maps infowindow


This marker is 20 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. new google.maps.Size 14 26 The origin for this image is 0 0. new google.maps.Point..

Change individual markers in google maps directions api V3


google.maps.MarkerImage URL 'start.png' width height new google.maps.Size 44 32 The origin point x y new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor.. new google.maps.MarkerImage URL 'end.png' width height new google.maps.Size 44 32 The origin point x y new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor..

Adding simple marker clusterer to google map


true var infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow size new google.maps.Size 150 50 function createMarker latlng html var image ' 321.png'..

google maps marker as link api v3


mapka opcjeMapy wspólne cechy ikon var rozmiar new google.maps.Size 32 32 var rozmiar_cien new google.maps.Size 59 32 var punkt_startowy.. rozmiar new google.maps.Size 32 32 var rozmiar_cien new google.maps.Size 59 32 var punkt_startowy new google.maps.Point 0 0 var punkt_zaczepienia.. mapka opcjeMapy wspólne cechy ikon var rozmiar new google.maps.Size 32 32 var rozmiar_cien new google.maps.Size 59 32 var punkt_startowy..

Google Maps v3: How to tell when an ImageMapType overlay's tiles are finished loading?


getTileUrl myGetTileUrl tileSize new google.maps.Size 256 256 isPng true myMap.overlayMapTypes.push myOverlay The.. overlay .trigger overlay busy return url tileSize new google.maps.Size 256 256 isPng true opacity 0.60 Listen for our custom events..

Google Maps API v3: Custom styles for infowindow


infobox1 disableAutoPan false maxWidth 150 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 0 zIndex null boxStyle background url 'http google maps.. intl en_us mapfiles close.gif infoBoxClearance new google.maps.Size 1 1 This is just an example of some of the available options...