

javascript Programming Glossary: guarantees

Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready?


release notes The ready method no longer tries to make any guarantees about waiting for all stylesheets to be loaded. Instead all..

Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises


. Q does explicitly work with ticks in the event loop and guarantees asynchronity while jQuery can be synchronous as well. This is..

Can anyone recommend a good, free javascript for punycode to Unicode conversion? [closed]


it including the pseudocode and C code the author makes no guarantees and is not responsible for any damage resulting from its use...

javascript dates in IE, NAN - firefox & chrome ok


If primitive value is String then the specification only guarantees that the Date constructor and the parse method are capable of..

Can somebody explain this Javascript method?


a śhost object rather than a śnative object in this case the guarantees about what you can pass to other prototypes' methods don't necessarily..

JavaScript “this” keyword


functions you should refer to the documentation for any guarantees about what the value of this is when the function is called...

Jquery repeat function every 60 seconds


do some stuff setTimeout arguments.callee 60000 that guarantees that the next call is not made before your code was executed...

Order of JavaScript <script> tag executions not guaranteed in major browsers?


guaranteed in major browsers Is it true that there are no guarantees across major browsers that the following script tags will always..

HTML book-like pagination


myself until just now. this JS works on iOS Webkit no guarantees for android but please let me know the results var desiredHeight..

JSLint Expected '===' and instead saw '=='


non transitive for example if A B AND B C Doesn't really guarantees that A C For example '0' 0 true 0 '' true '0' '' false The Strict..

I'd like to understand the jQuery plugin syntax


else might have defined to mean something else. This guarantees that any other meanings of are shadowed by this one. share..

How to modify Cookie from Ajax call


agent to let it control those aspects of transport. This guarantees data integrity to some extent. Header names starting with Sec..

Trying to implement Google's Fast Button


to touchmove and touchend events. Calling stopPropagation guarantees that other behaviors don ™t get a chance to handle the same click..

execute the first time the setInterval without delay


a repeat setTimeout foo delay start the cycle foo This guarantees that there is at least an interval of delay between calls. It..

How can I allow my user to insert HTML code, without risks? (not only technical risks)


many options to filter out bad stuff and as a side effect guarantees well formed html output. I use it to view spam which can be..

IE9 Double Form Submit Issue


issues. It's only a bug if the DOM Javacript standard guarantees that the document.submit is the end of all execution in a document...

Force DOM redraw/refresh on Chrome/Mac


one. It inserts an empty text node into the element which guarantees a redraw. var forceRedraw function element if element return..

Alternatives to JavaScript eval() for parsing JSON


when you use a good JSON library on server side that guarantees that generated JSON will not contain anything nasty. Even Douglas..

How to get the form parent of an input?


1.0 Opera 9.0 which is even more browsers that jQuery guarantees so you should stick to this. If this were a different type of..