

javascript Programming Glossary: i.test

How can I detect AJAX node insertion without using DOM mutation events?


UserScript function highlightGoodComments jNode if beer i.test jNode.text jNode.css background yellow waitForKeyElements #userBlather..

JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate]


up . browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda xiino i.test a 1207 6310 6590 3gso 4thp 50 1 6 i 770s 802s a wa abac ac er.. w3c webc whit wi g nc nw wmlb wonu x700 yas your zeto zte i.test a.substr 0 4 check true navigator.userAgent navigator.vendor..

Attach a body onload event with JS


init call the onload handler @end @ for Safari if WebKit i.test navigator.userAgent sniff var _timer setInterval function if..

how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE?


example. EDIT DO NOT USE THIS VBScript var IE_HACK msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent no no.. var IE_HACK msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent no no no Don't do this if IE_HACK document.write.. inject some VBScript as a one time thing like this if msie i.test navigator.userAgent opera i.test navigator.userAgent var IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script..

Jquery: How to see if string contains substring


What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery?


webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry IEMobile Opera Mini i.test navigator.userAgent some code.. or you can combine them both.. webos iphone ipad ipod blackberry iemobile opera mini i.test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase now .browser will return device..

Stopping GIF Animation Programmatically


freeze_gif function is_gif_image i return ^ data . .gif i.test i.src function freeze_gif i var c document.createElement 'canvas'..

detect ipad/iphone webview via javascript


var is_uiwebview iPhone iPod iPad . AppleWebKit . Safari i.test navigator.userAgent var is_safari_or_uiwebview iPhone iPod iPad..

How do I implement custom sort to a specific column after jqgrid has been generated?


function cell rowObject if typeof cell string ^test d i.test cell return parseInt cell.substring 4 10 else return cell and..

How to prevent ENTER keypress to submit a web form?


function checkEnter e e e event var txtArea textarea i.test e.target e.srcElement .tagName return txtArea e.keyCode e.which..

Detect version of browser


chrome safari firefox msie trident s d . i if trident i.test M 1 tem brv d . d g.exec ua return 'IE ' tem 1 '' M M 2 M 1..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


id var elem document.getElementById id if elem if ^iframe i.test elem.tagName return id Frame OK else Look for frame var elems.. 0 i elems.length i if ^https www . youtube nocookie .com i.test elems i .src break elem elems i The only or the best iFrame..

JavaScript DOMParser access innerHTML and other properties


function markup type if ^ s text html s i.test type var doc document.implementation.createHTMLDocument doc_elt..