

javascript Programming Glossary: inserttextatcursor

Insert text at cursor in a content editable div


It works in all the mainstream desktop browsers function insertTextAtCursor text var sel range html if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection..

Need to set cursor position to the end of a contentEditable div, issue with selection and range objects


charStr return greekChars charStr Greek function insertTextAtCursor text var sel range textNode if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection..

Inserting text at cursor in a textarea, with Javascript


after the inserted text in all the major browsers function insertTextAtCursor el text var val el.value endIndex range if typeof el.selectionStart..

contenteditable selected text save and restore


How do I insert some text where the cursor is?


it seems you have. It works in all major browsers function insertTextAtCursor el text var val el.value endIndex range doc el.ownerDocument..