

javascript Programming Glossary: iterable

How to detect if a variable is an array


Object.prototype.toString.call obj ' object Array ' and iterable ie non empty array like objects function isNonEmptyArrayLike..

How do I check to see if an object has a property in Javascript?


looking for is if an object has a property on it that is iterable when you iterate over the properties of the object it will appear..

Javascript Iterator Class


collection put some checks chere for stuff that isn't iterable yet return collection typeof collection 'number' typeof collection.. iterator.next catch e log.error 'OW ' e log.debug ' Non iterables demo' try iterator new npup.Iterator true catch e log.error..

Javascript equivalent of Python's zip function


number of lists as input. addendum To make this handle any iterable e.g. in python you can use zip on strings ranges map objects.. etc. you could define the following function iterView iterable returns an array equivalent to the iterable However if you write.. iterView iterable returns an array equivalent to the iterable However if you write zip in the following way even that won't..

How to sort a Javascript object, or convert it to an array?


Here's the source from underscore.js _.toArray function iterable if iterable return if iterable.toArray return iterable.toArray.. source from underscore.js _.toArray function iterable if iterable return if iterable.toArray return iterable.toArray if _.isArray.. _.toArray function iterable if iterable return if iterable.toArray return iterable.toArray if _.isArray iterable return..

Android JavascriptInterface Security?


the registered java interface. it is an object but is not iterable with for var i in interface ... . return go_back_js_interface_name.getClass..