

javascript Programming Glossary: ko.observablearray

Knockout JS binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list


MVC Model and ViewBag. var viewModel sourceMaterialTypes ko.observableArray @Html.Raw Json.Encode ViewBag.SourceMaterialTypes selectedSourceMaterialType.. Json.Encode Model.SourceMaterialType ingredientTypes ko.observableArray @Html.Raw Json.Encode ViewBag.IngredientTypes selectedIngredientType..

Working with checkboxes in knockoutjs


ko.observable comments ko.observable classPreValues ko.observableArray addPreValue function element alert element .val this.classPreValues.push.. viewModel choices one two three four five selectedChoices ko.observableArray two four viewModel.selectedChoicesDelimited ko.dependentObservable..

Trailing commas in JavaScript


the last element of the books array var viewModel books ko.observableArray title .. display function return .. title .. display function..

Knockout.js - Dynamic columns but limit to a maximum of 5 for each row


http jsfiddle.net rniemeyer 9TN9W var viewModel items ko.observableArray columnLength ko.observable 5 sample data for var i 0 i 100 i..

How can I use knockout's $parent/$root pseudovariables from inside a .computed() observable?


function this.selectedItem ko.observable this.items ko.observableArray new Item one this new Item two this new Item three this Sample..

knockout syntax error


function TaskListViewModel Data var self this self.tasks ko.observableArray self.newTaskText ko.observable self.incompleteTasks ko.computed..

Knockout JS - How to correctly bind an observableArray


function fruit return name ko.observable fruit this.fruit ko.observableArray observableFruit ko.applyBindings new ViewModel Apple banana..

Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions


be like var ViewModel function var self this this.items ko.observableArray this.removeItem function item self.items.remove item Now if.. case it would look like var ViewModel function this.items ko.observableArray this.removeItem function item this.items.remove item .bind this..

Determine if an object property is ko.observable


what I've tried so far var vm prop ko.observable '' arr ko.observableArray func ko.computed function return this.prop computed vm for..

Knockout.js incredibly slow under semi-large datasets


so . In my model I have the following code this.projects ko.observableArray Bind to empty array at startup this.loadData function data Called..

loading a knockout.js observableArray() from .ajax() call


with an empty array. var data var viewModel vendors ko.observableArray data ko.applyBindings viewModel function on this click event..