

javascript Programming Glossary: onorientationchange

Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with javascript


orientation and change of orientation by listening for the onorientationchange event and querying window.orientation for the angle. Is this.. back to the resize event. var supportsOrientationChange onorientationchange in window orientationEvent supportsOrientationChange orientationchange..

Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone?


orientation changes by adding an event to the body body onorientationchange updateOrientation Edited by OP just on the off chance that the..

How to find out if ipad is in landscape/portrait mode in javascript/jquery?


blob master jqtouch jqtouch.js You can also listen to onorientationchange events See previous answer http stackoverflow.com questions..

Access accelerometer via Javascript in Android?


using Javascript on Android's browser I know it supports onorientationchange but I'd like to get everything. Clarification I'm asking how..

Prevent orientation change in iOS Safari


event alert Rotate event.preventDefault script head body onorientationchange changeOrientation event PAGE CONTENT body html but when testing..

How do I detect when the iPhone goes into landscape mode via JavaScript? Is there an event for this?


safari ios share improve this question Yup via the onorientationchange event and the window.orientation property. Documented by Apple..