

javascript Programming Glossary: res.end

What is the best facebook connect library for node.js?


req res params req.logout res.writeHead 303 'Location' res.end '' app.get ' ' function req res params if req.isAuthenticated..

how to use jQuery ajax calls with node.js


received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end 'Hello World n' .listen 8124 javascript jquery html ajax node.js.. received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end '_testcb ' message Hello world ' ' .listen 8124 and client side..

NodeJS + socket.io: simple Client/Server example not working


req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' res.end respcont server.listen 8082 var socket io.listen server socket.on..

Socket.IO basic example not working


req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' res.end ' h1 Hello world h1 ' server.listen 8090 var socket io.listen.. if err res.writeHead 404 'Content Type' 'text html' res.end ' h1 Page Not Found h1 ' else res.writeHead 200 'Content Type'..

Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent


baked in and you can only call res.write data and finally res.end data . The error Error Can't set headers after they are sent... Response can be in either Head Body and becomes Finished res.end data encoding Response can be in either Head Body and remains..

Cross-domain jQuery.getJSON from a Node.JS (using express) server does not work in Internet Explorer


Origin' ' ' 'Access Control Allow Credentials' 'true' res.end JSON.stringify JSON.parse body How can I change these two.. res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application javascript' res.end __parseJSONPResponse JSON.stringify 'some data' Then in our..

NodeJS server incrementing variable by two for every request


req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end 'Number ' i ' n' i .listen 8000 '' javascript node.js..

Is the recommendation to include CSS before JavaScript invalid?


req.params.type .push parseInt req.params.exec 10 res.end app.get ' result type' function req res var o '' headresults..