

javascript Programming Glossary: scripts.length

Is it the last `script` element the currently running script?


document.getElementsByTagName 'script' return scripts scripts.length 1 var script getCurrentScriptElement var view document.createElement.. document.getElementsByTagName 'script' return scripts scripts.length 1 alert getCurrentScriptElement .id script p At the end p div..

Is JavaScript multithreaded?


like this function GetScripts scripts callback var len scripts.length for var i in scripts jQuery.getScript scripts i function len..

Get script path


document.getElementsByTagName 'script' var path scripts scripts.length 1 .src.split ' ' 0 remove any query var mydir path.split ' '..

How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code


scripts document.getElementsByTagName script src scripts scripts.length 1 .src This works because the browser loads and executes scripts..

Get the url of currently executing js file when dynamically loaded


document.getElementsByTagName script var src scripts scripts.length 1 .src alert THIS IS src Ideally this should either print out.. document.getElementsByTagName script var scriptURI scripts scripts.length 1 .src if scriptURI static include callback scriptURI else.. scripts document.getElementsByTagName script if scripts scripts.length 1 .src.length 0 Yes we are inlined. See if we have jQuery loading..

Getting URL of executing JavaScript file (IE6-7 problem mostly)


document.getElementsByTagName script return scripts scripts.length 1 .src I'd like it to work in the case of dynamically created..

Async Load JavaScript Files with Callback


scripts callback this.loadCount 0 this.totalRequired scripts.length this.callback callback for var i 0 i scripts.length i this.writeScript.. scripts.length this.callback callback for var i 0 i scripts.length i this.writeScript scripts i loaded function evt this.loadCount..

How to get the location (src) of a javascript file?


'script' currentScriptSrc scripts scripts.length 1 .src Check this example that loads this script . Edit Taking.. var scripts document.getElementsByTagName 'script' len scripts.length re howdy .js src howdyScriptSrc while len src scripts len .src..

How may I reference the script tag that loaded the currently-executing script?


How do I get query string value from script path?


scripts document.getElementsByTagName 'script' var index scripts.length 1 var myScript scripts index myScript now contains our script..

Removing all script tags from html with JS Regular Expression


s var scripts div.getElementsByTagName 'script' var i scripts.length while i scripts i .parentNode.removeChild scripts i return div.innerHTML..

How might I get the script filename from within that script?


'script' var lastScript scripts scripts.length 1 var scriptName lastScript.src alert loading scriptName Tested..

What is my script src URL?


document.getElementsByTagName 'script' script scripts scripts.length 1 if script.getAttribute.length undefined return script.src.. document.getElementsByTagName 'script' script scripts scripts.length 1 if script.getAttribute.length undefined return script.getAttribute..