

javascript Programming Glossary: similarity

JavaScript closures vs. anonymous functions


How does similar_text work?


string str1 string str2 float percent Calculates the similarity between two strings PHP_FUNCTION similar_text char t1 t2 zval..

Dynamically Add Variable Name Value Pairs to JSON Object


'name' value ips ipId 'anotherName' anotherValue Notice similarity with the code above but that you are just using ips ipId instead..

javascript text similarity Algorithm


text similarity Algorithm im building a website that should collect various.. news feeds and would like the texts to be compared for similarity. What i need is some sort of a news text similarity algorithm.. for similarity. What i need is some sort of a news text similarity algorithm . I know that php has the similar_text function and..

Getting the closest string match


the process of performing a human like estimation of the similarity of two words or phrases. In many cases it involves identifying.. this I created two separate metrics for evaluating the similarity of two strings. One I call valuePhrase and one I call valueWords.. creating linearly independent metrics for measuring string similarity and having a known set of strings we wish to match to each other..

Good ASP.NET excel-like Grid control?


Lloyd says Google Docs definitely 'feels right' in its similarity to Excel . While I respect Lloyd's opinion in my experience..

class/static method in javascript?


be accessed using Foo.talk I hope by now you're noticing a similarity between functions on a function object and a static method...