

javascript Programming Glossary: socket.emit

Send response to all clients except sender (Socket.io)


Here is my list send to current request socket client socket.emit 'message' this is a test sending to all clients include sender..

Socket.io + PhoneGap


socket io.connect 'HOST' socket.on 'news' function data socket.emit 'my other event' my 'data' script ... app.js server side javascript.. .listen 80 io.sockets.on 'connection' function socket socket.emit 'news' hello 'world' socket.on 'my other event' function data..

Can Angular.js auto-update a view if a persistent model (server database) is changed by an external app?


function data rootScope. apply function fn data emit socket.emit function MyCtrl scope Socket Socket.on 'content changed' function.. data scope.data data scope.submitContent function socket.emit 'content changed' scope.data You could get really high tech..

Update all clients using Socket.io?


0 io.sockets.on 'connection' function socket clients socket.emit 'users_count' clients socket.on 'disconnect' function clients.. is the current socket of the client that just connected socket.emit 'users_count' clients Instead you want to emit to all sockets..

Socket.io custom client ID


localhost' port 8080 socket.on 'connect' function data socket.emit 'storeClientInfo' customId 000CustomIdHere0000 script Hope..