

javascript Programming Glossary: stateid

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


10 var sc statesOfCountry v var newOptions '' for var stateId in sc if sc.hasOwnProperty stateId newOptions ' option role.. '' for var stateId in sc if sc.hasOwnProperty stateId newOptions ' option role option value ' stateId ' ' .. stateId newOptions ' option role option value ' stateId ' ' states stateId ' option ' populate the new if..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


v e.target .val sc statesOfCountry v newOptions '' stateId form row for stateId in sc if sc.hasOwnProperty stateId.. v newOptions '' stateId form row for stateId in sc if sc.hasOwnProperty stateId newOptions ' option role.. form row for stateId in sc if sc.hasOwnProperty stateId newOptions ' option role option value ' stateId ' ' states..