

javascript Programming Glossary: videoid

YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it?


in advance SD html head script type text javascript var videoId videoId 'http www.youtube.com v 4TSJhIZmL0A' bbc videoId 'http.. SD html head script type text javascript var videoId videoId 'http www.youtube.com v 4TSJhIZmL0A' bbc videoId 'http www.youtube.com.. videoId videoId 'http www.youtube.com v 4TSJhIZmL0A' bbc videoId 'http www.youtube.com v ezwyHNs_W_A' physics function id return..

How to get a youtube playlist using javascript API and json


from JSON format but I have problem in this line var videoId data.feed.entry i .link 1 .href When I do this in single line.. totalResults. t put clips in li for i 0 i klipove 1 i var videoId data.feed.entry i .link 1 .href get video id ID var id extract.. i .link 1 .href get video id ID var id extract videoId thumb data.feed.entry i .media group.media thumbnail 0 .url..

YouTube iframe API: how do I control a iframe player that's already in the HTML?


player new YT.Player 'container' height '390' width '640' videoId 'u1zgFlCw8Aw' events 'onReady' onPlayerReady 'onStateChange'..

How to detect when a youtube video finishes playing?


player new YT.Player 'player' height '390' width '640' videoId '0Bmhjf0rKe8' events 'onReady' onPlayerReady 'onStateChange'..