

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:19

jquery Programming Glossary: cancelmsg

jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event


'submit' value 'Re Send' disabled 'disabled' input name 'cancelMsg' style 'height 25px width 55px ' type 'submit' value 'Cancel'.. this .jqGrid getGridParam selrow disable all resendMsg cancelMsg buttons in the grid this .find input name resendMsg .attr disabled.. resendMsg .attr disabled disabled this .find input name cancelMsg .attr disabled disabled now enable the buttons for the current..

jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event


input name 'resendMsg' style 'height 25px width 65px ' type 'submit' value 'Re Send' disabled 'disabled' input name 'cancelMsg' style 'height 25px width 55px ' type 'submit' value 'Cancel' disabled 'disabled' viewrecords true caption capMsg rownum.. getInd id true var gridRow this .jqGrid getRowData id var srow this .jqGrid getGridParam selrow disable all resendMsg cancelMsg buttons in the grid this .find input name resendMsg .attr disabled disabled this .find input name cancelMsg .attr disabled.. resendMsg cancelMsg buttons in the grid this .find input name resendMsg .attr disabled disabled this .find input name cancelMsg .attr disabled disabled now enable the buttons for the current row only tr .find input name resendMsg .removeAttr disabled..