

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:29

jquery Programming Glossary: chtml

How do I override the core jquery file with the externally hosted jquery from google


following code in our pages to explicitly include the script files from Google head php echo CGoogleApi init php echo CHtml script CGoogleApi load 'jquery' '1.3.2' . n . CGoogleApi load 'jquery.ajaxqueue.js' . n . CGoogleApi load 'jquery.metadata.js'..

how to disable Yii jquery autoload on ajax request


to disable Yii jquery autoload on ajax request I'm using the following code to generate an ajax request echo CHtml dropDownList 'teamA' '' EnumController getTeamOption array 'empty' ' Team Single ' 'ajax' array 'type' 'POST' 'url'..

Yii ajaxSubmitButton() with fields validation


model would be validated correctly if the 'success' event was not set. When the ajaxSubmitButton is like this php echo CHtml ajaxSubmitButton 'Send' CHtml normalizeUrl array 'site ajaxIndexSubmit' array 'error' 'js function alert 'error.. if the 'success' event was not set. When the ajaxSubmitButton is like this php echo CHtml ajaxSubmitButton 'Send' CHtml normalizeUrl array 'site ajaxIndexSubmit' array 'error' 'js function alert 'error ' ' 'beforeSend' 'js function.. 'attribute2' array 'size' 60 'maxlength' 500 php echo form error model 'attribute2' div div class buttons php echo CHtml ajaxSubmitButton 'Save' CHtml normalizeUrl array 'myController MyAction' 'render' true array 'dataType' 'json' 'type'..