

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:31

jquery Programming Glossary: clearfields

Uploading file to php through ajax


'sendmail.php' data first_name first_name.val email email.val telephone tel.val comments comments.val success function clearFields first_name.val '' email.val '' tel.val '' comments.val '' alert 'Thank you. We will contact you as soon as possible.' .. first_name first_name.val email email.val telephone tel.val upload upload.val comments comments.val success function clearFields first_name.val '' email.val '' tel.val '' upload.val '' comments.val '' alert 'Thank you. We will contact you as soon as..

jquery trigger - 'change' function


and I have a change handler to detect the radio button that is checked. In the change handler I call a function clearFields which basically clears out the input fields. function clearFields #Enquiry_start_point .val #Enquiry_start_town .val #Enquiry_start_postcode.. is checked. In the change handler I call a function clearFields which basically clears out the input fields. function clearFields #Enquiry_start_point .val #Enquiry_start_town .val #Enquiry_start_postcode .val input name 'pick_up_point' .change function.. if input name 'pick_up_point' checked .val pick_up_airport #pick_up_airport_div .slideDown #start_point_div .hide clearFields I also have a trigger which will retain the view if the form is redisplayed due to a validation error. 'input name 'pick_up_point..