

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:32

jquery Programming Glossary: colors

How do I get my jQuery Validator Code to run a second time after a form has already been submitted?


.timeago update the timestamp with timeago Change colors of message. if '#CommentStatus' .html Your Comment Has Been..

how to add items to an array dynamically in javascript


charts using the Highchart framework function var options colors #66CC00 #FF0000 #FF6600 chart renderTo 'container' plotBackgroundColor..

jQuery UI: How to change the color of a ProgressBar?


I found. Using jQuery UI v1.8rc3 I can override the theme colors for the progress bar. Here's how When you add a progressbar.. of the outer div. For either of these you can use flat colors or images. If you use images then be sure to set the repeat.. 21 the zero'th progressbar gets the default theme set colors for progressbar #1 #pbar1 .css 'background' 'url images white..

Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?


can trigger its onClick event but the link won't change colors to the visited link color the default is purple in most browsers..

How to get hex color value rather than RGB value?


get the hex value rather than the RGB javascript jquery colors hex rgb share improve this question var hexDigits new Array..

jQuery animate backgroundColor


backgroundColor olive slow Any ideas javascript jquery colors jquery animate share improve this question The color plugin..

In-cell data bars in jqGrid - possible or not?


again about your question because I find that the usage of colors for formating of numbers could be really helpful. So I spend..

JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page


a plus. This is excluding images background text and links colors should all be inverted. Basically anything that gets its color..

How can I export tables to excel from a webpage [closed]


though is strict formatting of columns. If formatting and colors are absolute dealbreakers the only 100 reliable cross browser..

Increase CSS brightness color on click with jquery/javascript?


example on jsFiddle The divs on top represents the dark colors rgb #801A00 #00801A #1A0080 and #D2D2D2 div id red class dark..

In JQGrid, Is it possible to use different formatter on grouping summary cell other than column formatter?


italic text. For the 'total' column I used different colors depend on the displayed value. The results having the value..

jquery change background color user scroll


210px below the color become rgba 255 255 255 .9 . jquery colors background scroll background color share improve this question..

Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance?


them with functions that would search for matching colors among the time series and toggle the visibility of each matching..

How do I get my jQuery Validator Code to run a second time after a form has already been submitted?


success function data '#AjaxComments' .html data 'abbr.timeago' .timeago update the timestamp with timeago Change colors of message. if '#CommentStatus' .html Your Comment Has Been Added '#CommentStatus' .css 'color' 'GREEN' error function..

how to add items to an array dynamically in javascript


please bear with me. I have the following script to draw pie charts using the Highchart framework function var options colors #66CC00 #FF0000 #FF6600 chart renderTo 'container' plotBackgroundColor null plotBorderWidth null plotShadow true title..

jQuery UI: How to change the color of a ProgressBar?


this question I fiddled around with it and here's what I found. Using jQuery UI v1.8rc3 I can override the theme colors for the progress bar. Here's how When you add a progressbar widget to a div with something like #mydiv .progressbar value.. the right of the value bar. Do this by setting the background of the outer div. For either of these you can use flat colors or images. If you use images then be sure to set the repeat x. The code to do that looks like this html div id 'mainObj'.. value 47 #pbar2 .progressbar value 33 #pbar3 .progressbar value 21 the zero'th progressbar gets the default theme set colors for progressbar #1 #pbar1 .css 'background' 'url images white 40x100.png #ffffff repeat x 50 50 ' #pbar1 div .css 'background'..

Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?


you can't click an element with javascript. With 'a' tags you can trigger its onClick event but the link won't change colors to the visited link color the default is purple in most browsers . So it wouldn't make sense to make the .click event work..

How to get hex color value rather than RGB value?


color '#selector' .css 'backgroundColor' Is there a way to get the hex value rather than the RGB javascript jquery colors hex rgb share improve this question var hexDigits new Array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f Function to convert hex..

jQuery animate backgroundColor


with is a div. .usercontent .mouseover function this .animate backgroundColor olive slow Any ideas javascript jquery colors jquery animate share improve this question The color plugin is only 4kb so much cheaper than the UI library. Of course..

In-cell data bars in jqGrid - possible or not?


the number over the color bar. UPDATED I though again and again about your question because I find that the usage of colors for formating of numbers could be really helpful. So I spend some time and created the corresponding code example which..

JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page


work on Chrome although if it worked in Firefox that'd be a plus. This is excluding images background text and links colors should all be inverted. Basically anything that gets its color from CSS. UPDATE Here is an updated bookmarklet that fixes..

How can I export tables to excel from a webpage [closed]


It's a win win. The one thing it does have limits on though is strict formatting of columns. If formatting and colors are absolute dealbreakers the only 100 reliable cross browser method I've found is to use a server side language to process..

Increase CSS brightness color on click with jquery/javascript?


100 Result Increasing color values by highest color See this example on jsFiddle The divs on top represents the dark colors rgb #801A00 #00801A #1A0080 and #D2D2D2 div id red class dark red div div id green class dark green div div id blue class..

In JQGrid, Is it possible to use different formatter on grouping summary cell other than column formatter?


'sum' As the result the summary for the 'tax' column contains italic text. For the 'total' column I used different colors depend on the displayed value. The results having the value grater as 1000 are displayed in green. Other values are displayed..

jquery change background color user scroll


it is the color rgba 255 255 255 .5 and when a user scroll 210px below the color become rgba 255 255 255 .9 . jquery colors background scroll background color share improve this question here you go this will change the page color to blue when..

Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance?


data that way. Instead I made buttons and used jQuery to associate them with functions that would search for matching colors among the time series and toggle the visibility of each matching series. Here is an example with a small dataset http jsfiddle.net..