

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:36

jquery Programming Glossary: compound

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


jsFiddle preview You can't combine simple selectors into compound selectors for use with not . This works in jQuery but is invalid.. the not selector to allow a comma separated list of compound selectors. Compound selectors are quite simply simple selectors.. selectors are quite simply simple selectors combined compounded together without combinators separating them. This means that..

need jquery.validate without submit


required simple rule converted to required true email compound rule required true email true comment required true ..

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degradation in the scroll handler s as a result will only compound the performance of scrolling overall. Instead it's much better..

Why is jQuery's email validation regex so simple?


Each definition from the RFCs is stored in a variable with compound definitions utilizing the variables that store the simpler definitions..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


that version specifically. In 1.2.1 I added support for compound constraints but I haven't updated my documentation to reflect..

jQuery Validation Plugin - adding rules that apply to multiple fields


the classes. Using the addClassRules method we're taking compound rules and turning them into a class name. HTML input type text..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


and inconvenience remain evident. Updated interactive jsFiddle preview You can't combine simple selectors into compound selectors for use with not . This works in jQuery but is invalid CSS3 Do not find divs that have all three classes together.. over. It's worth noting that the Selectors 4 spec enhances the not selector to allow a comma separated list of compound selectors. Compound selectors are quite simply simple selectors combined compounded together without combinators separating.. to allow a comma separated list of compound selectors. Compound selectors are quite simply simple selectors combined compounded together without combinators separating them. This means that the jQuery selectors shown in points 1 and 2 above will..

need jquery.validate without submit


javascript .next .click function #test .validate rules name required simple rule converted to required true email compound rule required true email true comment required true message comment Please enter a comment. script div class..

window.scroll function freezes firefox


to scroll the page not a good idea . Any performance degradation in the scroll handler s as a result will only compound the performance of scrolling overall. Instead it's much better to use some form of a timer to check every X milliseconds..

Why is jQuery's email validation regex so simple?


write every section of the regex I scripted the glue . Each definition from the RFCs is stored in a variable with compound definitions utilizing the variables that store the simpler definitions @Walf this is why there are so many subpatterns and..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


downloading version 1.1.1 . The current documentation matches that version specifically. In 1.2.1 I added support for compound constraints but I haven't updated my documentation to reflect that. I understand if this doesn't address all your concerns..

jQuery Validation Plugin - adding rules that apply to multiple fields


based on desired common rules and then assign those rules to the classes. Using the addClassRules method we're taking compound rules and turning them into a class name. HTML input type text name field_1 class num input type text name field_2 class..