

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:38

jquery Programming Glossary: connecttodatabase

How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid”


CommonBean01 showAllMyRemData try CommonBean01 commonBean new CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM patentInvite.. try CommonBean01 commonBean new CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId System.out.println.. CommonBean01 showAllMyData try CommonBean01 commonBean new CommonBean01 listOfListUsers new ArrayList CommonBean01 ConnectToDatabase db new ConnectToDatabase Connection conn db.makeconnection PreparedStatement psmt conn.prepareStatement SELECT FROM patentInvite..