

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:51

jquery Programming Glossary: define

jQuery create CSS rule / class @ runtime


the body or something similar. only using jQuery I want to define it once but with jQuery use it a lot of time later that's why..

Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean?


instead of 5 separate calls. Even better could be to define one CSS class and use jQuery.addClass method. In case of jqGrid..

event.preventDefault() vs. return false


about correct casing parenthesis etc. Also I have to define the first parameter in callback to be able to call the method...

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


way to do this My specific situation I have an array defined something like this var countries new Array countries 0 'ga'.. The current version of Crockford's JSON library will only define JSON.stringify and JSON.parse if they're not already defined.. JSON.stringify and JSON.parse if they're not already defined leaving any browser native implementation intact. share improve..

jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service


to make a call to an AJAX enabled web service which I have defined within the ASP.NET MVC application i.e. the MovieService.svc.. ™t need to make a separate jQuery.ajax call. You need only define a URL which point to the server and define some additional jQuery.ajax.. You need only define a URL which point to the server and define some additional jQuery.ajax parameters which you prefer. You..

jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert


function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData.. postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then the data which will be.. function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData..

jQuery get mouse position within an element


event is triggered. The mousedown and mouseup events will define the start and end of the time range and as I follow mousemove..

Perform client side validation for custom attribute


value OK The last part for the magic to happen is to define the custom adapter script src @Url.Content ~ Scripts jquery.validate.js..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


and then the onCellSelect event handler called. You can define the columns with buttons like following name 'add' width 18..

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding Problem


working like a charm. BTW unless your server is defined to php process .html files the files you're loading with ajax.. iso charset request a php file instead of an html file and define the charset in the header not in the file itself share improve..

jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete


here or both ways at the same time. In any way you have to define the options of editGridRow method the prmEdit . It's important..

Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument?


using both a Module and the DOMReady function Define MyApp as a revealing module MyApp function Backbone var View..

using the jquery validation plugin, how can I add a regex validation on a textbox?


jquery regex validation share improve this question Define a new validation function and use it in the rules for the field..

Jquery Observer pattern


this observer1.observe subject observer2.observe subject Define some custom event callbacks for the observers observer1.bind..

New recommended jQuery templates? [duplicate]


improve this question This is how I do it in my projects Define a template in your HTML script type text template id cardTemplate..

Define an event on iFrame element with jQuery


an event on iFrame element with jQuery I try to define a live..

Jquery - How to make $.post() use contentType=application/json?


is just a shortcut for a pre configured .ajax call Or 2. Define your own utility function that is a shortcut for the .ajax configuration..

How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework


now so modified it for jQuery no library version here Define a boundary I stole this from IE but you can use any string AFAIK..

Change the icon of a jQuery UI button with own image


jquery ui button uibutton share improve this question Define a style yourself like this .ui icon custom background image..

jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms


in my case in memory var persons Person.GetPersons Define an order function based on the iSortCol parameter Func Person.. order person iSortCol 0 object person.Id person.Name Define the order direction based on the iSortDir parameter persons.. in my case in memory var persons Person.GetPersons Define an order function based on the iSortCol parameter Func Person..

jQuery/Javascript css(“width”) / check if style is defined in css?


this question I have a workaround idea that might work. Define a class named default_width before all other style sheets .default_width..

jQuery Tools alert works once (but only once)


overlay jquery tools share improve this question Define the dialog and set load to false disabling auto load of the..

Help understanding jQuery's jQuery.fn.init Why is init in fn


What Let's look at the piece of code you're talking about Define a local copy of jQuery var jQuery function selector context..

Bind function to multiple events of different elements at once


jquery share improve this question You can't. Define your function beforehand function eventHandler event and assign..

jQuery UI Datepicker : how to add clickable events on particular dates?


that have entries in the events array defined above. Define an onSelect event handler where you can tell the datepicker..

Process a continuous stream of JSON


will be all the data that has been received so far. Define a persistent variable that will hold the position of the first..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


id return id If no element return null. return null Define YT_ready function. var YT_ready function var onReady_funcs api_isReady.. were defined. Look ahead for the implementation var player Define a player object to enable later function calls without having..

jQuery create CSS rule / class @ runtime


by adding the CSS information during runtime actions to the body or something similar. only using jQuery I want to define it once but with jQuery use it a lot of time later that's why I do not want to add it each time to the specific DOM elements...

Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean?


operation. You can use jQuery.css ... with all the changed styles instead of 5 separate calls. Even better could be to define one CSS class and use jQuery.addClass method. In case of jqGrid one need to fill tbody with all rows and cells of the grid...

event.preventDefault() vs. return false


than executing a method. With the method you have to remember about correct casing parenthesis etc. Also I have to define the first parameter in callback to be able to call the method. Perhaps there are some reasons why I should avoid doing it..

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


an object to JSON. I'm using jQuery. Is there a standard way to do this My specific situation I have an array defined something like this var countries new Array countries 0 'ga' countries 1 'cd' ... and I need to turn this into a string.. matters Newer browsers support the JSON object natively. The current version of Crockford's JSON library will only define JSON.stringify and JSON.parse if they're not already defined leaving any browser native implementation intact. share improve..

jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service


of a continuation of a previous question. Now I'm trying to make a call to an AJAX enabled web service which I have defined within the ASP.NET MVC application i.e. the MovieService.svc . But the service is never being called in my getMovies javascript.. can request itself the JSON data from the server. So we don ™t need to make a separate jQuery.ajax call. You need only define a URL which point to the server and define some additional jQuery.ajax parameters which you prefer. You don ™t post in your.. server. So we don ™t need to make a separate jQuery.ajax call. You need only define a URL which point to the server and define some additional jQuery.ajax parameters which you prefer. You don ™t post in your question the definition of the Movie class...

jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert


contentType application json recreateForm true serializeEditData function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org.. undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData where JSON.stringify is the functions defined in http www.json.org js.html . Then the data which will be send to the server will be JSON encoded. Almost the same settings.. ajaxDelOptions contentType application json serializeDelData function postData if postData.exercise_value undefined postData.exercise_value null return JSON.stringify postData Now you can define insertRecord like following WebMethod ScriptMethod..

jQuery get mouse position within an element


turn registers a mousemove event on the div until a mouseup event is triggered. The mousedown and mouseup events will define the start and end of the time range and as I follow mousemove events I can dynamically change the size of the range so that..

Perform client side validation for custom attribute


x x.Date @Html.ValidationMessageFor x x.Date input type submit value OK The last part for the magic to happen is to define the custom adapter script src @Url.Content ~ Scripts jquery.validate.js type text javascript script script src @Url.Content..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


With the onCellSelect the row will be first selected and then the onCellSelect event handler called. You can define the columns with buttons like following name 'add' width 18 sortable false search false formatter function return span class..

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding Problem


changed the charactes to accents were needed. Once done everything's working like a charm. BTW unless your server is defined to php process .html files the files you're loading with ajax aren't getting your iso charset. If you insist on using the..

jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete


function rowid this .jqGrid 'editGridRow' rowid prmEdit see here or both ways at the same time. In any way you have to define the options of editGridRow method the prmEdit . It's important to know that afterSubmit will be called only if the server..

Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument?


examples of this around the web but here's a very basic implementation using both a Module and the DOMReady function Define MyApp as a revealing module MyApp function Backbone var View Backbone.View.extend do stuff here return init function var..

using the jquery validation plugin, how can I add a regex validation on a textbox?


to check to make sure the input is alphanumeric. javascript jquery regex validation share improve this question Define a new validation function and use it in the rules for the field you want to validate function .validator.addMethod loginRegex..

Jquery Observer pattern


the observer pattern in jquery. I would like to have it like this observer1.observe subject observer2.observe subject Define some custom event callbacks for the observers observer1.bind 'customEvent' function contextData Some code observer1.bind..

New recommended jQuery templates? [duplicate]


for jQuery templates jquery html json templates share improve this question This is how I do it in my projects Define a template in your HTML script type text template id cardTemplate div a href 0 1 a div script Use string.format to substitute..

Define an event on iFrame element with jQuery


an event on iFrame element with jQuery I try to define a live event on img tags store on a iFrame. For example I would..

Jquery - How to make $.post() use contentType=application/json?


source to make .post always use JSON data type as it really is just a shortcut for a pre configured .ajax call Or 2. Define your own utility function that is a shortcut for the .ajax configuration you want to use Or 3.You could overwrite the .post..

How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework


but you could easily rework it for a library EDIT had my coffee now so modified it for jQuery no library version here Define a boundary I stole this from IE but you can use any string AFAIK var boundary 7da24f2e50046 var body ' ' boundary ' r n'..

Change the icon of a jQuery UI button with own image


called 'custom.png'. How I can achieve that jquery image jquery ui button uibutton share improve this question Define a style yourself like this .ui icon custom background image url images custom.png Then just use it when calling .button..

jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms


sSearch context.Request sSearch Fetch the data from a repository in my case in memory var persons Person.GetPersons Define an order function based on the iSortCol parameter Func Person object order person iSortCol 0 object person.Id person.Name.. order function based on the iSortCol parameter Func Person object order person iSortCol 0 object person.Id person.Name Define the order direction based on the iSortDir parameter persons desc iSortDir persons.OrderByDescending order persons.OrderBy.. context.Request sSortDir_0 Fetch the data from a repository in my case in memory var persons Person.GetPersons Define an order function based on the iSortCol parameter Func Person object order p if iSortCol 0 return p.Id return p.Name..

jQuery/Javascript css(“width”) / check if style is defined in css?


width 12345 javascript jquery css share improve this question I have a workaround idea that might work. Define a class named default_width before all other style sheets .default_width width 1787px An arbitrary value unlikely to be..

jQuery Tools alert works once (but only once)


obviously missing something any advice out there Thanks jquery overlay jquery tools share improve this question Define the dialog and set load to false disabling auto load of the dialog '#the_alert' .overlay mask color '#cccccc' loadSpeed..

Help understanding jQuery's jQuery.fn.init Why is init in fn


call jQuery.fn.init or jQuery.init because jQuery IS .init What Let's look at the piece of code you're talking about Define a local copy of jQuery var jQuery function selector context The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'..

Bind function to multiple events of different elements at once


same function bound to different events of each Thanks. javascript jquery share improve this question You can't. Define your function beforehand function eventHandler event and assign it separately 'canvas' .mouseout eventHandler 'body' .bind..

jQuery UI Datepicker : how to add clickable events on particular dates?


but all it's doing is highlighting dates in the datepicker that have entries in the events array defined above. Define an onSelect event handler where you can tell the datepicker what to do when a day is clicked onSelect function dateText..

Process a continuous stream of JSON


each time the onreadystatechange handler fires the responseText will be all the data that has been received so far. Define a persistent variable that will hold the position of the first character that hasn't been properly processed yet. Once there..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


ID is unique id frame while document.getElementById id elem.id id return id If no element return null. return null Define YT_ready function. var YT_ready function var onReady_funcs api_isReady false @param func function Function to execute on.. s before Previously core functions were defined. Look ahead for the implementation var player Define a player object to enable later function calls without having to create a new class instance again. Add function to execute..