

2014/10/16 ¤W¤Č 12:03:02

jquery Programming Glossary: dommousescroll

Treating each div as a “page” when scrolling


0 prevPage else nextPage else if mousewheelevt DOMMouseScroll if event.originalEvent.detail 0 nextPage else prevPage ..

How to do a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel scroll?


How can I differentiate a manual scroll (via mousewheel/scrollbar) from a Javascript/jQuery scroll?


this function 'body html' .bind 'scroll mousedown wheel DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' function e if e.which 0 e.type mousedown e.type..

jQuery changing css on navigation when div # scrolls into view


user does something 'html body' .bind 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' function e if e.which 0 e.type 'mousedown'..

let user scrolling stop jquery animation of scrolltop?


on .stop should be fine viewport.bind scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup function e if e.which 0 e.type mousedown e.type.. e.type mousewheel viewport.stop .unbind 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' This identifies the scroll as a user action..

event.wheelDelta returns undefined


use event.originalEvent.detail to for this property at the DOMMouseScroll event. This method is backwards compatible with older jQuery..

Treating each div as a “page” when scrolling


if mousewheelevt mousewheel if event.originalEvent.wheelDelta 0 prevPage else nextPage else if mousewheelevt DOMMouseScroll if event.originalEvent.detail 0 nextPage else prevPage javascript jquery events scrolling share improve this..

How to do a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel scroll?


How can I differentiate a manual scroll (via mousewheel/scrollbar) from a Javascript/jQuery scroll?


scrollbar mousewheel share improve this question Try this function 'body html' .bind 'scroll mousedown wheel DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' function e if e.which 0 e.type mousedown e.type mousewheel html body .stop Also did you see this tutorial..

jQuery changing css on navigation when div # scrolls into view


document .ready function Stop animated scroll if the user does something 'html body' .bind 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' function e if e.which 0 e.type 'mousedown' e.type 'mousewheel' 'html body' .stop Set up content an array..

let user scrolling stop jquery animation of scrolltop?


easeOutQuint Stop the animation if the user scrolls. Defaults on .stop should be fine viewport.bind scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup function e if e.which 0 e.type mousedown e.type mousewheel viewport.stop .unbind 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll.. mousewheel keyup function e if e.which 0 e.type mousedown e.type mousewheel viewport.stop .unbind 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' This identifies the scroll as a user action stops the animation then unbinds the event straight after..

event.wheelDelta returns undefined


available at the jQuery Event object. So you should also use event.originalEvent.detail to for this property at the DOMMouseScroll event. This method is backwards compatible with older jQuery versions. event.originalEvent.wheelDelta Demo http jsfiddle.net..