

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:12

jquery Programming Glossary: errno

files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed]


name of the file uploaded img 'ImageFiles '. _FILES 'fileImage' 'name' execute INSERT query insert execute if insert errno Handle query error here close INSERT query insert close Retrieve the ImageId of the last uploded file lastID mysqli insert_id.. bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here close INSERT query insertimagequestion close Javascript which will output the message depending.. file and it's id using _SESSION php connect to the database include 'connect.php' check connection if mysqli_connect_errno printf Connect failed s n mysqli_connect_error die remove file from server unlink ImageFiles .... need to retrieve file..

It is not inserting data into database


array for i 0 i c i questionNo _POST 'numQuestion' i insert bind_param i questionNo insert execute if insert errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId.. imgvalue as image insertimagequestion bind_param ii image imgquesid insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insertimagequestion error break 2 insertimagequestion close insert close Below.. question_ids id foreach value as answer insertanswer bind_param is quesid answer insertanswer execute if insertanswer errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insertanswer error break 5 var_dump result shows with the previous var dumps..