

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:29

jquery Programming Glossary: foobar

How to send data in request body with a GET when using jQuery $.ajax()


thus it must be sent in the body otherwise it will likely foobar somewhere in the browsers proxies webservers etc chain. Note..

refresh div with jquery


button javascript #changePanel .click function var data foobar #panel .hide .html data .fadeIn 'fast' css div padding 1em background..

Generate Swipe JS slider for each slider DIV


div class slider id slider_xy ... div div class slider id foobar ... div no matter how the ID is it should work because we select..

Next parameter is 'undefined' in jQuery, why? [duplicate]


variable does not matter it could be undefined but as well foobar or as in this case because this is the shortest possible way..

How to pass a variable into regex in jQuery/Javascript


do something like var variable_regex bar var some_string foobar some_string.match variable_regex In Ruby you would be able to.. Ruby you have to use the RegExp constructor var aString foobar var pattern bar var matches aString.match new RegExp pattern..

JQuery - find a radio button by value


share improve this question Try this radio value foobar This will select all radio buttons with the attribute value..

jQuery: finding previous div


display none Content 2 div some other HTML... span id b foobar span How can I match the first div class a above the span id..

jquery .html() vs .append()


to take into account. This ' div id ' someID ' class foobar ' content ' div ' ... is a lot harder to maintain than this..

Jquery call function from a string


with a string containing the identifier var target 'next' foobar target identical to foobar .next share improve this answer..

Javascript / SWFobject | Determine if a swf object exists when creating dynamic embed objects


none document.getElementById 'line graph one' .reloadAll foobar Resulting in document.getElementById map one .reloadAll is not..

jQuery OOP basics


var obj new SecondConstructor foo obj.mymethod my name is foobar This is JavaScripts prototypical inheritance. Basically you..

jQuery Data vs Attr?


supposed to get ASCII lowercased automatically so div data foobar div DIV DATA FOOBAR DIV and dIv DaTa FoObAr DiV are supposed..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


is the list element option 1 innerHTML ul.innerHTML ' li foobar li ' option 2 DOM manipulation var li document.createElement.. 'li' li.appendChild document.createTextNode 'foobar' ul.appendChild li Now the first option looks a lot simpler..

jQuery.bind() events on plain Javascript objects


non DOM Javascript objects var myobject myobject .bind foobar function alert daa myobject .trigger foobar What are the implications.. myobject .bind foobar function alert daa myobject .trigger foobar What are the implications for Garbage collection no new references..

How to have click event ONLY fire on parent DIV, not children?


from bubbling up to parent . I have a DIV with a class foobar on it and a few DIVs inside that DIV that are unclassed but.. that are unclassed but I suppose they are inheriting the foobar class. I have this code '.foobar' .on 'click' function ...do.. they are inheriting the foobar class. I have this code '.foobar' .on 'click' function ...do stuff.. I want that to fire off..

JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


to JQuery path... @ResponseBody e.g. @RequestMapping value fooBar id method RequestMethod.GET public @ResponseBody FooBar getFooBar.. application json ... and In JQuery I use .getJSON 'fooBar 1' function data do something this works well e.g. annotations.. get something like this to work @RequestMapping value fooBar save method RequestMethod.POST public String saveFooBar @RequestBody..

Set Timeout For Controller Action


called by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith.. by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith.. response Controller public ViewResult GetFoo String fooBar if Request.IsAjaxRequest perform a ridiculously long task ~12..

jQuery attribute name contains


for var property in this .data if property.indexOf 'fooBar' 0 return true return false Notice that data foo bar has been.. false Notice that data foo bar has been converted to fooBar . Demo http jsfiddle.net Tyj49 3 share improve this answer..

How to send data in request body with a GET when using jQuery $.ajax()


separated by hypen and could potentially be very large and thus it must be sent in the body otherwise it will likely foobar somewhere in the browsers proxies webservers etc chain. Note I don't have control over the service or API so please don't..

refresh div with jquery


test data div input id changePanel value Change Panel type button javascript #changePanel .click function var data foobar #panel .hide .html data .fadeIn 'fast' css div padding 1em background color #00c000 input padding .25em 1em share improve..

Generate Swipe JS slider for each slider DIV


class slider attribute. div class slider id slider_1 ... div div class slider id slider_xy ... div div class slider id foobar ... div no matter how the ID is it should work because we select the elements with a specific class. you can access each..

Next parameter is 'undefined' in jQuery, why? [duplicate]


second one is assured to be undefined . The name of that variable does not matter it could be undefined but as well foobar or as in this case because this is the shortest possible way saving valuable bytes b . Now you can safely check for undefinedness..

How to pass a variable into regex in jQuery/Javascript


to pass a variable into a regex in jQuery Javascript I wanna do something like var variable_regex bar var some_string foobar some_string.match variable_regex In Ruby you would be able to do some_string.match # variable_regex Found a useful post..

JQuery - find a radio button by value


jQuery: finding previous div


div class a style display none Content 1 div div class a style display none Content 2 div some other HTML... span id b foobar span How can I match the first div class a above the span id b to show it The id b is the only thing I know before. jquery..

jquery .html() vs .append()


' div div ' There are also issues of readability and maintenance to take into account. This ' div id ' someID ' class foobar ' content ' div ' ... is a lot harder to maintain than this ' div ' id someID className 'foobar' html content share improve..

Jquery call function from a string


Javascript / SWFobject | Determine if a swf object exists when creating dynamic embed objects


the SWF because the parent container is hidden. display none document.getElementById 'line graph one' .reloadAll foobar Resulting in document.getElementById map one .reloadAll is not a function It only works when I click the tab where the SWF..

jQuery OOP basics


this.name name bar inherits SecondConstructor Constructor var obj new SecondConstructor foo obj.mymethod my name is foobar This is JavaScripts prototypical inheritance. Basically you set the prototype of a function to a particular object. Then..

jQuery Data vs Attr?


HTML keep using the hyphenated form. HTML attributes are supposed to get ASCII lowercased automatically so div data foobar div DIV DATA FOOBAR DIV and dIv DaTa FoObAr DiV are supposed to be treated as identical but for the best compatibility the..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


you add an li to a ul you have these two options assuming ul is the list element option 1 innerHTML ul.innerHTML ' li foobar li ' option 2 DOM manipulation var li document.createElement 'li' li.appendChild document.createTextNode 'foobar' ul.appendChild.. ' li foobar li ' option 2 DOM manipulation var li document.createElement 'li' li.appendChild document.createTextNode 'foobar' ul.appendChild li Now the first option looks a lot simpler but this is only because the browser has abstracted a lot away..

jQuery.bind() events on plain Javascript objects


Javascript objects Is it ok to bind jQuery events to plain non DOM Javascript objects var myobject myobject .bind foobar function alert daa myobject .trigger foobar What are the implications for Garbage collection no new references created preventing.. events to plain non DOM Javascript objects var myobject myobject .bind foobar function alert daa myobject .trigger foobar What are the implications for Garbage collection no new references created preventing object to GC'ed Object attributes..

How to have click event ONLY fire on parent DIV, not children?


problem that most people ask how to stop clicks on children from bubbling up to parent . I have a DIV with a class foobar on it and a few DIVs inside that DIV that are unclassed but I suppose they are inheriting the foobar class. I have this.. DIV with a class foobar on it and a few DIVs inside that DIV that are unclassed but I suppose they are inheriting the foobar class. I have this code '.foobar' .on 'click' function ...do stuff.. I want that to fire off only when clicking somewhere.. a few DIVs inside that DIV that are unclassed but I suppose they are inheriting the foobar class. I have this code '.foobar' .on 'click' function ...do stuff.. I want that to fire off only when clicking somewhere in the DIV but not on its children..

JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


Java serialization I'm using successfully the Java to JSON to JQuery path... @ResponseBody e.g. @RequestMapping value fooBar id method RequestMethod.GET public @ResponseBody FooBar getFooBar @PathVariable String id HttpServletResponse response ModelMap.. HttpServletResponse response ModelMap model response.setContentType application json ... and In JQuery I use .getJSON 'fooBar 1' function data do something this works well e.g. annotations work already thanks to all the answerers However how do I.. Java Object back using RequestBody no matter what I try I can't get something like this to work @RequestMapping value fooBar save method RequestMethod.POST public String saveFooBar @RequestBody FooBar fooBar HttpServletResponse response ModelMap..

Set Timeout For Controller Action


I have an action that returns a ViewResult which is called by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith response Controller public ViewResult GetFoo String.. I have an action that returns a ViewResult which is called by the client's .post JavaScript var link 'GetFoo fooBar ' fooBar var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith response Controller public ViewResult GetFoo String fooBar.. var jqxhr .post link function response '#myDiv' .replaceWith response Controller public ViewResult GetFoo String fooBar if Request.IsAjaxRequest perform a ridiculously long task ~12 minutes algorithm 1 download files from the Azure blob storage..

jQuery attribute name contains


use .filter to do this somewhat efficiently 'div' .filter function for var property in this .data if property.indexOf 'fooBar' 0 return true return false Notice that data foo bar has been converted to fooBar . Demo http jsfiddle.net Tyj49 3 share..