

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:37

jquery Programming Glossary: google.maps.size

Why I can't attach an dynamic event handler to this element?


content templateFinestra.html pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 87 88 var infowindow new InfoBox infoWindowOptions var latlng..

Google Maps custom infobox


boxText disableAutoPan false maxWidth 0 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 0 zIndex null boxStyle background url 'tipbox.gif' no repeat.. intl en_us mapfiles close.gif infoBoxClearance new google.maps.Size 1 1 isHidden false pane floatPane enableEventPropagation false..

Google Map loading partially on click on the hidden tab


infobox disableAutoPan false maxWidth 150 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 10 zIndex null boxStyle background url 'http google maps.. intl en_us mapfiles close.gif infoBoxClearance new google.maps.Size 1 1 google.maps.event.trigger map 'resize' map.setZoom map.getZoom..

jQuery async ajax query and returning value problem (scope, closure)


new google.maps.MarkerImage ' images image 1_32_t.png' new google.maps.Size 32 32 .get ' get_users.php' function data if data.status 'error'..

Return a value from an ajax call to parent function


tileURL data.image json return tileURL tileSize new google.maps.Size 256 256 opacity 0.55 isPng true Obviously the ajax call is asynchronous..

Why I can't attach an dynamic event handler to this element?


function var templateFinestra '#mappa infowindow' var infoWindowOptions content templateFinestra.html pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 87 88 var infowindow new InfoBox infoWindowOptions var latlng new google.maps.LatLng 42.745334 12.738430 var options zoom..

Google Maps custom infobox


top 8px background yellow padding 5px var myOptions content boxText disableAutoPan false maxWidth 0 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 0 zIndex null boxStyle background url 'tipbox.gif' no repeat opacity 0.75 width 280px closeBoxMargin 10px 2px 2px.. closeBoxMargin 10px 2px 2px 2px closeBoxURL http www.google.com intl en_us mapfiles close.gif infoBoxClearance new google.maps.Size 1 1 isHidden false pane floatPane enableEventPropagation false end example code for custom infobox google.maps.event.addListener..

Google Map loading partially on click on the hidden tab


var infobox new InfoBox content document.getElementById infobox disableAutoPan false maxWidth 150 pixelOffset new google.maps.Size 140 10 zIndex null boxStyle background url 'http google maps utility library v3.googlecode.com svn trunk infobox examples.. closeBoxMargin 12px 4px 2px 2px closeBoxURL http www.google.com intl en_us mapfiles close.gif infoBoxClearance new google.maps.Size 1 1 google.maps.event.trigger map 'resize' map.setZoom map.getZoom google.maps.event.addListener marker 'click' function..

jQuery async ajax query and returning value problem (scope, closure)


null function refreshMap var markers var markerImage new google.maps.MarkerImage ' images image 1_32_t.png' new google.maps.Size 32 32 .get ' get_users.php' function data if data.status 'error' return false var users data.users here users.length 1 this..

Return a value from an ajax call to parent function


zoom zoom x coord.x y coord.y function data if data.status tileURL data.image json return tileURL tileSize new google.maps.Size 256 256 opacity 0.55 isPng true Obviously the ajax call is asynchronous so I understand why the above code will return tileURL..