

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:41

jquery Programming Glossary: heatmap

Remove HeatmapLayer from google maps


documentation javascript layers#JSHeatMaps I generate the heatmap like this heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.. layers#JSHeatMaps I generate the heatmap like this heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer data heatmapData.. heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer data heatmapData radius 50 heatmap.setMap google_map When i want to display..

Return a value from an ajax call to parent function


to return a url that I am getting via an ajax call. var heatmap new google.maps.ImageMapType getTileUrl function coord zoom..

Remove HeatmapLayer from google maps


using the HeatmapLayer api https developers.google.com maps documentation javascript layers#JSHeatMaps I generate the heatmap like this heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer data heatmapData radius 50 heatmap.setMap google_map When i.. api https developers.google.com maps documentation javascript layers#JSHeatMaps I generate the heatmap like this heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer data heatmapData radius 50 heatmap.setMap google_map When i want to display another.. javascript layers#JSHeatMaps I generate the heatmap like this heatmap new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer data heatmapData radius 50 heatmap.setMap google_map When i want to display another heat map using the same function as above i'm using..

Return a value from an ajax call to parent function


ajax call to parent function I have a function where I need to return a url that I am getting via an ajax call. var heatmap new google.maps.ImageMapType getTileUrl function coord zoom var tileURL .get 'getimage.php' zoom zoom x coord.x y coord.y..