

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:45

jquery Programming Glossary: httpcontext

pass jquery json into asp.net httphandler


Failed' asp.net c# code behind public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer new JavaScriptSerializer.. jsonSerializer new JavaScriptSerializer string jsonString HttpContext.Current.Request.Form json List Employee emplList new List Employee.. to be read in other way string jsonString String.Empty HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position 0 using StreamReader inputStream..

multiple upload images on c#/jquery


upload fire on the second page public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context for int j 0 j context.Request.Files.Count j HttpPostedFile..

“Message”:“Invalid JSON primitive: RecordId.”


string ItemType string FileName try string FilePath HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath FileName XDocument xmldoc XDocument.Load.. HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.GetRawParams.. WebServiceMethodData methodData HttpContext context r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall..

jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms


public class Data IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context Paging parameters var iDisplayLength int.Parse context.Request.. public class Data IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context Those parameters are sent by the plugin var iDisplayLength..

Load ascx via jQuery


class FooHandler IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType text html context.Response.Write.. control StringWriter writer new StringWriter HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute page writer false return writer.ToString..

Calling .Net webservice with Jquery is causing woe when trying to post data


r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData IDictionary`2 rawParams.. HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData ExceptionType System.InvalidOperationException..

Keeping a related ASP.NET application's session alive from another ASP.NET application


Public Sub ProcessRequest ByVal context As HttpContext Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest context.Session KeepSessionAlive..

Basic Simple Asp.net + jQuery + JSON example


public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType application json DateTime..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string strConnection System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.. class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string email context.Request email optin context.Request..

passing parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call


IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string videoID string.Empty string id context.Request..

Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax


HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.. .GetRawParams WebServiceMethodData methodData HttpContext context r n at System.Web.Script.Services .RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall.. .RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData ExceptionType System.InvalidOperationException..

Download Multiple Files Without Using Zip File


.cookie .bbq C# in handler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context ... ... if string.IsNullOrEmpty context.Request.QueryString..

pass jquery json into asp.net httphandler


result alert result function OnFail result alert 'Request Failed' asp.net c# code behind public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer new JavaScriptSerializer string jsonString HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.. void ProcessRequest HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer new JavaScriptSerializer string jsonString HttpContext.Current.Request.Form json List Employee emplList new List Employee emplList jsonSerializer.Deserialize List Employee jsonString.. the quotes from the property names Also the JSON string needs to be read in other way string jsonString String.Empty HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position 0 using StreamReader inputStream new StreamReader HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream..

multiple upload images on c#/jquery


runat server asp LinkButton div and the code after upload fire on the second page public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context for int j 0 j context.Request.Files.Count j HttpPostedFile uploadFile context.Request.Files j SaveImages uploadFile..

“Message”:“Invalid JSON primitive: RecordId.”


DeleteRecord Int64 RecordId Int64 UserId Int64 UserProfileId string ItemType string FileName try string FilePath HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath FileName XDocument xmldoc XDocument.Load FilePath XElement Xelm xmldoc.Element UserProfile XElement.. T String input r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.GetRawParamsFromPostRequest HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.GetRawParams WebServiceMethodData.. serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.GetRawParams WebServiceMethodData methodData HttpContext context r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData..

jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms


of his work to make searching work on his example public class Data IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context Paging parameters var iDisplayLength int.Parse context.Request iDisplayLength var iDisplayStart int.Parse context.Request.. server side script capable of returning JSON formated data public class Data IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context Those parameters are sent by the plugin var iDisplayLength int.Parse context.Request iDisplayLength var iDisplayStart..

Load ascx via jQuery


improve this question Building off Emmett's solution public class FooHandler IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType text html context.Response.Write RenderPartialToString Foo.ascx private string RenderPartialToString.. new Page Control control page.LoadControl controlName page.Controls.Add control StringWriter writer new StringWriter HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute page writer false return writer.ToString public bool IsReusable get return false Use the following..

Calling .Net webservice with Jquery is causing woe when trying to post data


Object target IDictionary`2 parameters r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData IDictionary`2 rawParams r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall.. methodData IDictionary`2 rawParams r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData ExceptionType System.InvalidOperationException The webservice is not executed. This..

Keeping a related ASP.NET application's session alive from another ASP.NET application


Public Class KeepSessionAlive Implements IHttpHandler IRequiresSessionState Public Sub ProcessRequest ByVal context As HttpContext Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest context.Session KeepSessionAlive DateTime.Now End Sub Public ReadOnly Property..

Basic Simple Asp.net + jQuery + JSON example


public class handler IHttpHandler System.Web.SessionState.IReadOnlySessionState public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context context.Response.ContentType application json DateTime dateStamp DateTime.Parse string Request.Form dateStamp string..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


CssClass connectCheckbox div CodeBehind in a .ashx public class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string strConnection System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings SQLConnectString .ToString string email.. called inserEmail.ashx and the full code would be public class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string email context.Request email optin context.Request optin string strSQL INSERT INTO Emails emailAddress optIn..

passing parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call


And this is on my custom http Handler public class VideoViewValidation IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string videoID string.Empty string id context.Request Id string type context.Request Type Please tell me where..

Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax


.Deserialize T String input r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.GetRawParamsFromPostRequest HttpContext context JavaScriptSerializer serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler .GetRawParams WebServiceMethodData.. serializer r n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler .GetRawParams WebServiceMethodData methodData HttpContext context r n at System.Web.Script.Services .RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData.. methodData HttpContext context r n at System.Web.Script.Services .RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall HttpContext context WebServiceMethodData methodData ExceptionType System.InvalidOperationException Anyone have any ideas about this..

Download Multiple Files Without Using Zip File


and Chrome 16 Inspired by this SO post jQuery Plugins json2.js .cookie .bbq C# in handler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context ... ... if string.IsNullOrEmpty context.Request.QueryString downloadid Response.Cookies contect.Request.QueryString..