

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:53

jquery Programming Glossary: localhost

dynamic drop down box?


index script is shown as php try objDb new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname test' 'root' '' objDb exec 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' sql.. _GET 'id' value _GET 'value' try objDb new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname test' 'root' '' objDb exec 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' sql.. php file and included in each file where required server 'localhost' localhost is the usual name of the server if apache Linux...

Ajax request with JQuery on page unload


do this window .unload function .ajax type POST url http localhost 8888 test.php data test success function msg alert Data Saved..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


I deployed the project started the server went to http localhost 8080 playground upload.jsp selected a random big file from my..

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie


How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service


with XMLHttpRequest Accept Language en us Referer http localhost 1238 text.htm Accept application json text javascript Content.. SV1 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 eMusic DLM 4 .NET CLR 2.0.50727 Host localhost 1238 Content Length 2 Connection Keep Alive Pragma no cache..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


my problem When both of these files on same server either localhost or web server it works and alert Success If it is on different.. sides I mean testserver.php in web server and test.php on localhost its not working alert Error is executing. Even if url inside..

Download File Using Javascript/jQuery


. In jQuery 'a#someID' .attr target '_blank' href 'http localhost directory file.pdf' Whenever that link is clicked it will download..

XMLHttpRequest cannot load an URL with jQuery


99000 port then I launch my website on the 99001 port http localhost 99001 index.html . I get the following message XMLHttpRequest.. get the following message XMLHttpRequest cannot load http localhost 99000 Services.svc ReturnPersons. Origin http localhost 99001.. localhost 99000 Services.svc ReturnPersons. Origin http localhost 99001 is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. Even If..

How to get the current URL in javascript?


current URL and assign it to a variable Example URL http localhost menuname.de foo bar amp number 0 javascript jquery url path..

jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error


decorators. I have this jQuery method var webMethod http localhost 54473 Service1.asmx HelloWorld .ajax type POST contentType application.. If your jQuery page isn't being loaded from http localhost 54473 then this issue is probably because you're trying to make..

Call ASP.NET PageMethod/WebMethod with jQuery - returns whole page


Length 108558 Connection Close Request Headers Host localhost 2624 User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv.. charset utf 8 X Requested With XMLHttpRequest Referer http localhost 2624 MyApp MyPage.aspx Content Length 2 Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId..

JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


the command line and then sending a POST request URL http localhost 8080 test math mime type application json post body left 13..

Force Download an Image Using Javascript


Test Request HEAD test Water 20lilies.jpg HTTP 1.1 Host localhost Test Response HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Sat 23 Jul 2011 09 03 52..

json Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :


Gecko Chrome 15.0.874.106 Safari 535.2 Accept Referer http localhost 8888 jquery Test.html Accept Encoding gzip deflate sdch Accept..

dynamic drop down box?


as shown I am trying to do a dynamic drop down box and the index script is shown as php try objDb new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname test' 'root' '' objDb exec 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' sql SELECT FROM `category` WHERE `master` 0 statement objDb query.. is shown as php if empty _GET 'id' empty _GET 'value' id _GET 'id' value _GET 'value' try objDb new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname test' 'root' '' objDb exec 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' sql SELECT FROM `category` WHERE `master` statement objDb prepare.. php Login to database usually this is stored in a separate php file and included in each file where required server 'localhost' localhost is the usual name of the server if apache Linux. login 'root' pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login..

Ajax request with JQuery on page unload


request with JQuery on page unload I'm trying to do this window .unload function .ajax type POST url http localhost 8888 test.php data test success function msg alert Data Saved msg alert c However the success alert is never shown nor does..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


name url pattern uploadServlet url pattern servlet mapping I deployed the project started the server went to http localhost 8080 playground upload.jsp selected a random big file from my downloads folder clicked the Upload link see the upload percentage..

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie


How to return JSON from a 2.0 asmx web service


Fiddler POST DonationsService.asmx GetDate HTTP 1.1 x requested with XMLHttpRequest Accept Language en us Referer http localhost 1238 text.htm Accept application json text javascript Content Type application json charset utf 8 Accept Encoding gzip deflate.. User Agent Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 SV1 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 eMusic DLM 4 .NET CLR 2.0.50727 Host localhost 1238 Content Length 2 Connection Keep Alive Pragma no cache I have tried setting the contentType to 'text json' and get..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


element32 arr 'name' response echo json_encode arr Now my problem When both of these files on same server either localhost or web server it works and alert Success If it is on different sides I mean testserver.php in web server and test.php on.. web server it works and alert Success If it is on different sides I mean testserver.php in web server and test.php on localhost its not working alert Error is executing. Even if url inside ajax have changed to http domain.com path to file testserver.php..

Download File Using Javascript/jQuery


to a click on a link with its target attribute set to _blank . In jQuery 'a#someID' .attr target '_blank' href 'http localhost directory file.pdf' Whenever that link is clicked it will download the file in a new tab window. share improve this answer..

XMLHttpRequest cannot load an URL with jQuery


data from a remote website. I run my web service on the 99000 port then I launch my website on the 99001 port http localhost 99001 index.html . I get the following message XMLHttpRequest cannot load http localhost 99000 Services.svc ReturnPersons... on the 99001 port http localhost 99001 index.html . I get the following message XMLHttpRequest cannot load http localhost 99000 Services.svc ReturnPersons. Origin http localhost 99001 is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. Even If I launch.. . I get the following message XMLHttpRequest cannot load http localhost 99000 Services.svc ReturnPersons. Origin http localhost 99001 is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. Even If I launch my web page as an HTML file I get this XMLHttpRequest..

How to get the current URL in javascript?


javascript I am using jQuery. How do I get the path of the current URL and assign it to a variable Example URL http localhost menuname.de foo bar amp number 0 javascript jquery url path share improve this question To get the path you can use..

jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error


World It's stock standard with no alterations to the class decorators. I have this jQuery method var webMethod http localhost 54473 Service1.asmx HelloWorld .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 data dataType json url webMethod.. here jquery ajax web services share improve this question If your jQuery page isn't being loaded from http localhost 54473 then this issue is probably because you're trying to make cross domain request. Update 1 Take a look at this blog..

Call ASP.NET PageMethod/WebMethod with jQuery - returns whole page


Cache Control private Content Type text html charset utf 8 Content Length 108558 Connection Close Request Headers Host localhost 2624 User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 2009011913 Firefox 3.0.6 Accept application.. 300 Connection keep alive Content Type application json charset utf 8 X Requested With XMLHttpRequest Referer http localhost 2624 MyApp MyPage.aspx Content Length 2 Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId g1idhx55b5awyi55fvorj055 I've added a ScriptManager to..

JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


You can test this setup by executing mvn jetty run on the command line and then sending a POST request URL http localhost 8080 test math mime type application json post body left 13 right 7 I used the Poster Firefox plugin to do this. Here's..

Force Download an Image Using Javascript


REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME e env REQUESTED_IMAGE_BASENAME Test Request HEAD test Water 20lilies.jpg HTTP 1.1 Host localhost Test Response HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Sat 23 Jul 2011 09 03 52 GMT Server Apache 2.2.17 Win32 Last Modified Thu 23 Aug 2001..

json Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :


Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.1 AppleWebKit 535.2 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 15.0.874.106 Safari 535.2 Accept Referer http localhost 8888 jquery Test.html Accept Encoding gzip deflate sdch Accept Language en US en q 0.8 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q..