

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:43

jquery Programming Glossary: something

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


fx queue example Run example on jsFiddle function lets do something with google maps var map #map_canvas var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng.. height 250 marginLeft 250 marginTop 250 resized geocode something map.queue function next find stackoverflow's whois address geocoder.geocode.. to a queue theQueue.queue 'alerts' function next show something and if they hit yes run the next function. if confirm 'index..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


' .each function If click is not bind to #carousel div do something Because event filter is not a part of official jQuery framework..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


jQuery in our application logic we would activate it with something like '.main menu' .dropdownMenu When we just look at the view.. are actually extensions of HTML . If HTML doesn't do something you need it to do you write a directive to do it for you and.. was part of HTML. Put another way if AngularJS doesn't do something out of the box think how the team would accomplish it to fit..

How to detect a click outside an element?


elements when the user clicks outside the menus' area. Is something like this possible with jQuery #menuscontainer .clickOutsideThisElement..

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


to do this My specific situation I have an array defined something like this var countries new Array countries 0 'ga' countries..

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call


page with a new one. The jquery code to do this looks something like .ajax type POST url reqUrl data reqBody dataType json success..

How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box


function return jQuery #StateId option selected .val to something like following StateId function var val jQuery #StateId option..

jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?


Is there an “exists” function for jQuery?


current code that I have is this if selector .length 0 Do something Is there is a more elegant way to approach this Perhaps a plugin.. function return this.length 0 if selector .exists Do something There you go This is in response to Herding Code podcast with..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


around this Am I composing my query incorrectly or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do Google didn't..

jQuery/JavaScript: accessing contents of an iframe


of the jQuery function to be the document of the iframe something like function document ready 'some selector' frames 'nameOfMyIframe'..

How do I check a checkbox with jQuery?


do I check a checkbox with jQuery I want to do something like this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected..

jQuery Ajax POST example with php


improve this question Basic usage of .ajax would look something like this HTML form id foo label for bar A bar label input id..

jQuery: Return data after ajax call success [duplicate]


the response from an AJAX call 3 answers i have something like this where it is a simple call to a script that gives me.. success function data return data but if i call something like this var output testAjax svar output will be undefined.....

.prop() vs .attr()


pile of broken websites the jQuery team reverted attr to something close to but not exactly the same as its old behaviour for Boolean..

What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do?


rel tooltip .tooltip script . . . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something.. . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the.. a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will execute..

How to generate a simple popup using jQuery


box jquery css ajax popup share improve this question Something this simple doesn't need a plugin. This might look like a lot..

Simulate Keypress With jQuery


be as if they pressed the spacebar on their keyboard. Something like this I'm assuming #clickforspace .click function e e.preventDefault..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


to In jQuery we respond to events and then update content. Something like .ajax url ' myEndpoint.json' success function data status..

How to add click event to a iframe with JQuery


that iframe is clicked in to record some in house stats . Something like '#iframe_id' .click function run function that records..

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin? [closed]


JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form Something like this j '#MyForm' .enableDragDropUploads '.upload area'..

Check if object is a jQuery object


of making sure that the object actually is a jQuery object Something in the line of typeof obj 'jquery' javascript jquery share..

How to order events bound with jQuery


Why does Chrome ignore local jQuery cookies?


on the hard drive paths like file C websites foo.html Something in the plugin implentation causes Chrome to reject such cookies..

Total width of element (including padding and border) in jQuery


div and add them to the result of the width method Something like this var theDiv #theDiv var totalWidth theDiv.width totalWidth..

Is there a link to the “latest” jQuery library on Google APIs?


discovered whether there's a link to the latest version Something like the following which doesn't work http ajax.googleapis.com..

is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data?


test ' is there any API that allows you to build this up. Something like jqgrid #grid .addPostDataFilters AND jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem..

Remove all classes that begin with a certain string


all of the classes that begin with bg how do I do that Something like this but that actually works #a .removeClass bg javascript..

How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery?


binding attribute to bind the component to the view. Something like this h inputText binding # foo script var foo id '# foo.clientId..

JQuery smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link


users there. Is there a way to make that scrolling smooth Something like this http www.position relative.net creation anchor But..

Increment value of textinput with jquery like spinner


new to jquery. musty be something like #up .click function SOMETHING GOES IN HERE but what and likewise for #down. both to set adjust..

How to determine if variable is 'undefined' or 'null'


names div#name .attr 'class' if EmpName 'undefined' DO SOMETHING javascript jquery variables null undefined share improve..

How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed?


17 llCtrlPress 1 if e.keyCode 97 llCtrlPress 1 DO SOMETHING That seems like it would work fine but then how do I set llCtrlpress..

Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin



JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method


Handler 1 retrieveCust.find .icoX .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 2 retrieveCust.find .tag open .on click function DO.. 2 retrieveCust.find .tag open .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 3 document .on click .tag open function event DO SOMETHING.. Handler 3 document .on click .tag open function event DO SOMETHING Here's the HTML div class box id bxRetrieveCustomer h1 RETREIVE..

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


items in the queue elem.queue queue.slice 0 3 An animation fx queue example Run example on jsFiddle function lets do something with google maps var map #map_canvas var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 34.397 150.644 var myOptions zoom 8 center myLatlng.. 2 seconds map.delay 2000 resize the div map.animate width 250 height 250 marginLeft 250 marginTop 250 resized geocode something map.queue function next find stackoverflow's whois address geocoder.geocode 'address' '55 Broadway New York NY 10006' handleResponse.. .each 1 2 3 function i num lets add some really simple functions to a queue theQueue.queue 'alerts' function next show something and if they hit yes run the next function. if confirm 'index ' i ' ' num ' nRun the next function ' next create a button..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


jQuery Filter selector like this '#carousel div Event click ' .each function If click is not bind to #carousel div do something Because event filter is not a part of official jQuery framework it can be found here http www.codenothing.com archives 2009..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


sm3 Submenu 3 a li ul li li a href # home Menu 2 a li ul In jQuery in our application logic we would activate it with something like '.main menu' .dropdownMenu When we just look at the view it's not immediately obvious that there is any functionality.. collections of jQuery like functions what are they Directives are actually extensions of HTML . If HTML doesn't do something you need it to do you write a directive to do it for you and then use it just as if it was part of HTML. Put another way.. a directive to do it for you and then use it just as if it was part of HTML. Put another way if AngularJS doesn't do something out of the box think how the team would accomplish it to fit right in with ngClick ngClass et al. Summary Don't even use..

How to detect a click outside an element?


on the head of these menus. I would like to hide these elements when the user clicks outside the menus' area. Is something like this possible with jQuery #menuscontainer .clickOutsideThisElement function hide the menus javascript jquery share..

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


an object to JSON. I'm using jQuery. Is there a standard way to do this My specific situation I have an array defined something like this var countries new Array countries 0 'ga' countries 1 'cd' ... and I need to turn this into a string to pass to..

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call


page and one that replaces an existing HTML form on the current page with a new one. The jquery code to do this looks something like .ajax type POST url reqUrl data reqBody dataType json success function data textStatus if data.redirect data.redirect..

How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box


parameter which should appended to the server url from StateId function return jQuery #StateId option selected .val to something like following StateId function var val jQuery #StateId option selected .val return val all val On the server side you should..

jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?


Is there an “exists” function for jQuery?


How can I check the existence of an element in jQuery The current code that I have is this if selector .length 0 Do something Is there is a more elegant way to approach this Perhaps a plugin or a function jquery share improve this question Yes..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


directly it works fine. What is going on and can I get around this Am I composing my query incorrectly or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the error message . EDIT..

jQuery/JavaScript: accessing contents of an iframe


I thought I'd be able to do this by setting the context of the jQuery function to be the document of the iframe something like function document ready 'some selector' frames 'nameOfMyIframe' .document .doStuff However this doesn't seem to work...

How do I check a checkbox with jQuery?


do I check a checkbox with jQuery I want to do something like this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such a thing built into jQuery..

jQuery Ajax POST example with php


in example form.php php javascript jquery ajax post share improve this question Basic usage of .ajax would look something like this HTML form id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text value input type submit value Send..

jQuery: Return data after ajax call success [duplicate]


This question already has an answer here How to return the response from an AJAX call 3 answers i have something like this where it is a simple call to a script that gives me back a value a string.. function testAjax .ajax url getvalue.php.. me back a value a string.. function testAjax .ajax url getvalue.php success function data return data but if i call something like this var output testAjax svar output will be undefined... so how can i return the value the below code does not seem..

.prop() vs .attr()


1.6.1 changed things slightly in the face of the predicted pile of broken websites the jQuery team reverted attr to something close to but not exactly the same as its old behaviour for Boolean attributes . John Resig also blogged about it . I can..

What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do?


without doc ready block . . . script type text javascript rel tooltip .tooltip script . . . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will.. script type text javascript rel tooltip .tooltip script . . . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will execute the js code as soon as.. tooltip .tooltip script . . . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will execute the js code as soon as it face it as. And when it executes..

How to generate a simple popup using jQuery


can I show a popup window containing a label email and text box jquery css ajax popup share improve this question Something this simple doesn't need a plugin. This might look like a lot of code but it's really pretty simple. First the CSS tweak..

Simulate Keypress With jQuery


href # Click Here a Then by clicking the link it would be as if they pressed the spacebar on their keyboard. Something like this I'm assuming #clickforspace .click function e e.preventDefault ... Some type of code here to initiate spacebar..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


will automatically update your view so you don't have to In jQuery we respond to events and then update content. Something like .ajax url ' myEndpoint.json' success function data status 'ul#log' .append ' li Data Received li ' For a view that..

How to add click event to a iframe with JQuery


from a 3rd party an ad . I'd like to fire a click event when that iframe is clicked in to record some in house stats . Something like '#iframe_id' .click function run function that records clicks ..based on HTML of iframe id iframe_id src http something.com..

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin? [closed]


there a nice tidy jQuery plugin that allows including a single JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form Something like this j '#MyForm' .enableDragDropUploads '.upload area' With the upload target being the action of the form. Any solution..

Check if object is a jQuery object


key to the o and get the same result. Is ther a better way of making sure that the object actually is a jQuery object Something in the line of typeof obj 'jquery' javascript jquery share improve this question You can use the instanceof operator..

How to order events bound with jQuery


Why does Chrome ignore local jQuery cookies?


causes Google Chrome doesn't accept cookies from web pages on the hard drive paths like file C websites foo.html Something in the plugin implentation causes Chrome to reject such cookies Can anyone confirm this and identify the root cause jquery..

Total width of element (including padding and border) in jQuery


get the padding margin and border width values of that particular div and add them to the result of the width method Something like this var theDiv #theDiv var totalWidth theDiv.width totalWidth parseInt theDiv.css padding left 10 parseInt theDiv.css..

Is there a link to the “latest” jQuery library on Google APIs?


ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.js Just wondered if anyone had discovered whether there's a link to the latest version Something like the following which doesn't work http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery latest jquery.js Obviously not necessarily..

is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data?


invdate op lt data 2007 10 04 ' ' field name op bw data test ' is there any API that allows you to build this up. Something like jqgrid #grid .addPostDataFilters AND jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem field cn value jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem field1..

Remove all classes that begin with a certain string


with a given prefix and then add a new one. If I want to remove all of the classes that begin with bg how do I do that Something like this but that actually works #a .removeClass bg javascript jquery css share improve this question With jQuery..

How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery?


client ID to the generated HTML output. You can use component's binding attribute to bind the component to the view. Something like this h inputText binding # foo script var foo id '# foo.clientId ' jQuery will then escape . ... script This only requires..

JQuery smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link


I can make the page scroll towards the anchor and guide the users there. Is there a way to make that scrolling smooth Something like this http www.position relative.net creation anchor But notice that he's using a custom javascript lib. Maybe jQuery..

Increment value of textinput with jquery like spinner


suggestions as ui.spinner is most def. not working and I am new to jquery. musty be something like #up .click function SOMETHING GOES IN HERE but what and likewise for #down. both to set adjust the input text field say id #test as above. jquery onclick..

How to determine if variable is 'undefined' or 'null'


is 'undefined' or 'null'. My code is as follows EmpName div#esd names div#name .attr 'class' if EmpName 'undefined' DO SOMETHING javascript jquery variables null undefined share improve this question You can do like this if typeof variable_here..

How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed?


key press and another key press to execute a function if e.keyCode 17 llCtrlPress 1 if e.keyCode 97 llCtrlPress 1 DO SOMETHING That seems like it would work fine but then how do I set llCtrlpress back to '0' on keyup jquery control keycode share..

Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin


true original .attr id '_mce' submit function settings original BELOW IS MY BEST ATTEMPT. I THINK I HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING HERE.I'VE COMMENTED OUT MY MODIFICATION input.keypress function e if e.ctrlKey e.keyCode 83 alert Ctrl S pressed e.preventDefault..

JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method


is obviously less efficient. retrieveCust #bxRetrieveCustomer Handler 1 retrieveCust.find .icoX .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 2 retrieveCust.find .tag open .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 3 document .on click .tag open function event.. 1 retrieveCust.find .icoX .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 2 retrieveCust.find .tag open .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 3 document .on click .tag open function event DO SOMETHING Here's the HTML div class box id bxRetrieveCustomer h1.. 2 retrieveCust.find .tag open .on click function DO SOMETHING Handler 3 document .on click .tag open function event DO SOMETHING Here's the HTML div class box id bxRetrieveCustomer h1 RETREIVE CUSTOMER h1 div class icoX X div div class box liner10 table..