

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:09:16

jquery Programming Glossary: system.runtime.serialization

415 Unsupported Media Type Calling WCF Service from $.ajax


and then this in the service class using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Linq using System.Runtime.Serialization using System.ServiceModel using System.ServiceModel.Activation using System.ServiceModel.Web using System.Text namespace..

ASP.NET - What is the correct approach to JSON based web services with jQuery?


javascript jquery web services json share improve this question JSON conversion to .NET classes can be done with System.Runtime.Serialization and System.Runtime.Serialization.JSON . I suspect you're more interested in setting up function calls from client to server... json share improve this question JSON conversion to .NET classes can be done with System.Runtime.Serialization and System.Runtime.Serialization.JSON . I suspect you're more interested in setting up function calls from client to server. I think it is worth trying this.. the .asmx functions. If you actually want to do JSON serialization though you could also use the following using System.Runtime.Serialization using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json public class JsonSerializer To make a type serializeable mark it with DataContractAttribute..

jqGrid does not populate with data


Service WfcToJqGrid.WeatherDataService File IWeatherDataService.cs using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Runtime.Serialization using System.ServiceModel using System.ServiceModel.Web namespace WfcToJqGrid ServiceContract public interface IWeatherDataService..

Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC


BeRecursive below I solved my problem using two main methods. Server Side The deserialiser below requires reference to System.Runtime.Serialization and using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json private T Deserialise T string json using var ms new MemoryStream Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes.. two main methods. Server Side The deserialiser below requires reference to System.Runtime.Serialization and using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json private T Deserialise T string json using var ms new MemoryStream Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes json var serialiser new..

WCF not deserializing JSON input


layout As Layout OperationContract Function GetLayout As Layout End Interface The Layout class is defined as Imports System.Runtime.Serialization DataContract Public Class Layout DataMember Public Property Columns As New List Of ContentColumn End Class DataContract..