

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:09:28

jquery Programming Glossary: this._callbacks

jQuery.bind() events on plain Javascript objects


it using the jQuery.Callbacks method. var myClass function this._callbacks myClass.prototype addEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks.. myClass.prototype addEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks evname this._callbacks evname .Callbacks this._callbacks evname.. function evname callback if this._callbacks evname this._callbacks evname .Callbacks this._callbacks evname .add callback removeEvent..

jQuery.bind() events on plain Javascript objects


the jquery event system I would implement one that mimics it using the jQuery.Callbacks method. var myClass function this._callbacks myClass.prototype addEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks evname this._callbacks evname .Callbacks this._callbacks.. jQuery.Callbacks method. var myClass function this._callbacks myClass.prototype addEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks evname this._callbacks evname .Callbacks this._callbacks evname .add callback removeEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks.. var myClass function this._callbacks myClass.prototype addEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks evname this._callbacks evname .Callbacks this._callbacks evname .add callback removeEvent function evname callback if this._callbacks evname return..