

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:09:46

jquery Programming Glossary: unlink

Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value


bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote undo redo link unlink anchor image cleanup help code insertdate inserttime preview..

Qaptcha - is it effective?


'Of Qaptcha' last name to send if file_exists COOKIE_FILE unlink COOKIE_FILE clear cookies on start just prevents re using the..

Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter


bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote undo redo link unlink anchor image cleanup help code insertdate inserttime preview..

files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed]


s n mysqli_connect_error die remove file from server unlink ImageFiles .... need to retrieve file name here where the ..... in the session. in cancelimage.php you put the following unlink ImageFiles . _SESSION 'ImageFile' delete mysqli prepare 'DELETE..

Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit


justifyfull bullist numlist undo redo styleprops cite link unlink media advhr code preview theme_advanced_buttons2 theme_advanced_toolbar_location..

How can I remove the location hash without causing the page to scroll?


this.hash .appendTo 'body' ' a href # ' .text 'unlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.location.hash ''.. jumps so that's working fine. But when the user clicks ' unlink ' the has tag is removed and the page scroll jumps to the top...

Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin


indent blockquote theme_advanced_buttons2 undo redo link unlink code forecolor backcolor insertimage spellchecker theme_advanced_buttons3..

how to pass input type file data in ajax call


can create a new one if file_exists thumb_image_location unlink thumb_image_location Refresh the page to show the new uploaded..

How to reload a div without reloading the entire page?


mysql_fetch_array result switch _GET action case delete if unlink _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT setting row Filename echo Error. header..

Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value


cut copy paste pastetext pasteword search replace bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote undo redo link unlink anchor image cleanup help code insertdate inserttime preview forecolor backcolor theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols..

Qaptcha - is it effective?


ID cookie FIRST_NAME 'A Test' first name to send LAST_NAME 'Of Qaptcha' last name to send if file_exists COOKIE_FILE unlink COOKIE_FILE clear cookies on start just prevents re using the same PHPSESSID over and over fake_qaptcha_key 'thisIsAFakeKey12345'..

Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter


cut copy paste pastetext pasteword search replace bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote undo redo link unlink anchor image cleanup help code insertdate inserttime preview forecolor backcolor theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols hr..

files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed]


check connection if mysqli_connect_errno printf Connect failed s n mysqli_connect_error die remove file from server unlink ImageFiles .... need to retrieve file name here where the ... line is DELETE query statement where it will delete cancelled.. _FILES fileImage name This will store lastID and ImageFile in the session. in cancelimage.php you put the following unlink ImageFiles . _SESSION 'ImageFile' delete mysqli prepare 'DELETE FROM Image WHERE id ' delete bind_param i _SESSION 'lastID'..

Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit


justifyright jformatselect fontselect fontsizeselect justifyfull bullist numlist undo redo styleprops cite link unlink media advhr code preview theme_advanced_buttons2 theme_advanced_toolbar_location top theme_advanced_toolbar_align left theme_advanced_statusbar_location..

How can I remove the location hash without causing the page to scroll?


' .text 'link' .click function e e.preventDefault window.location.hash this.hash .appendTo 'body' ' a href # ' .text 'unlink' .click function e e.preventDefault window.location.hash '' .appendTo 'body' See live example here http jsbin.com asobi.. clicks ' link ' the hash tag is modified without any page jumps so that's working fine. But when the user clicks ' unlink ' the has tag is removed and the page scroll jumps to the top. I need to remove the hash without this side effect. javascript..

Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin


fontsizeselect search replace bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote theme_advanced_buttons2 undo redo link unlink code forecolor backcolor insertimage spellchecker theme_advanced_buttons3 theme_advanced_toolbar_location top theme_advanced_toolbar_align..

how to pass input type file data in ajax call


width height scale Delete the thumbnail file so the user can create a new one if file_exists thumb_image_location unlink thumb_image_location Refresh the page to show the new uploaded image header location . _SERVER PHP_SELF exit Now I want..

How to reload a div without reloading the entire page?


id result mysql_query SELECT FROM Setting WHERE ID id row mysql_fetch_array result switch _GET action case delete if unlink _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT setting row Filename echo Error. header Refresh 2.5 URL delete_setting.php id id exit if mysql_query..