

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:10:36

jquery Programming Glossary: x.startdate

unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing


following rules the 1st does work using unobtrusive client side validation the second does not any ideas why RuleFor x x.StartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo x x.EndDate.Value .WithLocalizedMessage CommonRes.Less_Than_Or_Equal_To filters CommonRes.Start_Date.. CommonRes.Less_Than_Or_Equal_To filters CommonRes.Start_Date filters CommonRes.End_Date RuleFor x x.StartDate .GreaterThanOrEqualTo x x.AbsoluteStartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo x x.AbsoluteEndDate .WithLocalizedMessage CommonRes.Between.. get set public class MyViewModelValidator AbstractValidator MyViewModel public MyViewModelValidator RuleFor x x.StartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo x x.DateToCompareAgainst .WithMessage Invalid start date Then a controller public class HomeController..