

php Programming Glossary: access_token

How can I tag a user in a photo using the Facebook Graph API?


a photo using the Facebook Graph API I tried args array 'access_token' access_token 'id' uid url https graph.facebook.com idPhoto.. the Facebook Graph API I tried args array 'access_token' access_token 'id' uid url https graph.facebook.com idPhoto tags ch curl_init..

facebook error 'Error validating verification code'


get code but when i access https graph.facebook.com me access_token i get error 'Error validating verification code'. i checked.. First both redirect_uri paramaters to authorize and access_token must match . Apparently Facebook or rather OAuth2 is using the.. as a internal key to encode the code returned for the access_token request. It's kinda clever since it verifies back to your site...

How to get user's network information using Facebook Graph API? (PHP)


fql q select affiliations from user where uid 4 access_token ACCESS TOKEN Sample response data affiliations nid 16777217..

Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API


array 'appId' 'YOUR APP_ID' 'secret' 'YOUR SEC KEY' 'access_token' USER'S ACCESS TOKEN 'cookie' true POST TO USER WALL facebook.. without him being logged in you need the following app access_token publish_stream permission NO NEED for the long lived access..

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


else redirect to Facebook login to get a fresh user access_token loginUrl facebook getLoginUrl header 'Location ' . loginUrl..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


stripslashes _REQUEST 'session' true if isset response 'access_token' this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token'.. response 'access_token' this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token' this api getAccessToken elseif isset.. this api setAccessToken response 'access_token' _SESSION 'access_token' this api getAccessToken elseif isset _SESSION 'access_token'..

Facebook: post image and description to wall and in page album via php


required permissions you'll be redirected to canvas_url#access_token access_token for example http example.com #access_token awe12.. you'll be redirected to canvas_url#access_token access_token for example http example.com #access_token awe12 4. Then navigate.. access_token for example http example.com #access_token awe12 4. Then navigate to https graph.facebook.com me accounts..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


now have a refresh_token that never expires and a working access_token Post a request to the Google's OAuth2 Token machine with your.. client_secret redirect_uri and refresh_token when your access_token expires and you'll get a new one. share improve this answer..