

php Programming Glossary: adjacency

PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate]


@param array d flat data implementing a id parent id adjacency list structure @param mixed r root id node to return @param..

Get all child, grandchild etc nodes under parent using php with mysql query results


someone can come to my rescue. My problem is I'm using adjacency list data model to produce my hierarchy data in mysql.I can.. tree This function will recursively build a tree out of an adjacency list and keep the id's ordered in ascending order. This also..

Complicated nested array issue


for the node in each separate row where there's a distinct adjacency from that node... Which is fine that's how it works. But as.. But as it sits you won't get nodes returned if there's no adjacency on that node because you're using an INNER join . You should.. to include nodes that have no results from the related adjacency table . By sorting by node id we explicitly ensure that all..

How to generate a tree view from this result set based on Tree Traversal Algorithm?


only have one implicit order. There is also a way to query adjacency list in MySQL Hierarchical queries in MySQL however you will..

Recursive MySQL query?


you are interested most in Query subtree for which the adjacency list the model you are currently using performs the most poorly..

How can I recursively obtain the “parent ID” of rows in this MySQL table?


and my personal favorite is the so called closure table adjacency relation mentioned in What is the most efficient elegant way..

Category Hierarchy (PHP/MySQL)


category share improve this question When using an adjacency list model you can generate the structure in one pass. Taken..