

php Programming Glossary: analyzing

php soap client for uk mail webservice api?


a result of type AddDomesticConsignmentResponse . By analyzing the AddDomesticConsignment complex type we see that it has an..

Jquery File Upload Hidden IFrame


Using square brackets in hidden HTML input fields


square brackets in hidden HTML input fields I am analyzing someone else's PHP code and I've noticed that the input HTML..

What is “ANSI as UTF-8” and how can I make fputcsv() generate UTF-8 w/BOM?


Notepad has definitely identified the encoding as UTF 8 by analyzing byte patterns. I tested this by creating a file with Russian..

Allowing Google to bypass CAPTCHA verification - sensible or not?


Update it seems to be possible to verify the Google Bot by analyzing its IP. From Google Webmaster Central How to verify Googlebot..

Where can I learn web programming from start to mastery?


Javascript before it was run. Google Chrome is good for analyzing scripts because of the debugging capabilities. Don't worry about..

PHP file_get_contents very slow when using full url


the cause of the slowness of file_get_contents scripts. By analyzing it with Wireshark the issue in my case and probably yours too..

Automatically parsing PHP to separate PHP code from HTML


Using these functions you may write your own PHP source analyzing or modification tools without having to deal with the language..

Parse SELECT clause of SQL queries into a PHP array


clause of SQL queries into a PHP array This is more for analyzing a query in PHP BEFORE it's sent to the server. Very complicated..

Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter


pre b z #' ' ' output ridgerunner did a very good job of analyzing this regular expression. I ended up using his solution. Cheers..

Any decent PHP parser written in PHP?


parser written in PHP I do lots of work manipulating and analyzing PHP code. Normally I just use the Tokenizer to do this. For..

Is strip_tags() vulnerable to scripting attacks?


remove all HTML tags. The only way we can proof it is by analyzing the source code. The next analysis applies to a strip_tags '...'..